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姓名 林敬諺(Jing-Yan Lin) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 噴嘴外形對超音波輔助噴水效應之探討
(Research on the Effect of Nozzle Shapes in Ultrasonic-Assisted Water Spraying)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 在現今的加工製程中,高壓水流在工業上常用來進行排屑及降溫的效果。高壓水流技術作為一種高效、環保的工業清洗方法,在許多領域中都得到了廣泛應用。其主要原理是通過高壓水泵產生強勁的水流,將工件表面的污垢、雜質以及切削產生的碎屑迅速沖洗乾淨,同時也能有效降低工件和刀具在加工過程中產生的高溫。為了進一步增強高壓水流的排屑能力,提高工業清洗方面的實用性,本研究基於現有的高壓水流結合超音波高頻振動技術,對超音波傳遞於三種不同幾何形狀的噴嘴模擬超音波對於不同噴嘴的內流場進行了模擬計算,經由模擬結果顯示,內流場的湍流分佈程度的高低對於超音波能量干擾顯著,並且從模擬中可觀察到出水口面的流速分佈呈現均勻分佈對於聲波傳遞的穩定性是很重要的,因此再三種噴嘴外型的比較下,曲線型的內流場的分佈較穩定,湍流區域相比之下較少,因此水流穩定的速度更快,對於超音波能量的傳遞較優秀
實驗結果顯示,在設計並搭建了超音波噴嘴的試驗平台,對噴嘴的射流進行衝擊試驗,結果證明曲線型的噴嘴在衝擊實驗中可以量測到加速度為1.6 g相較於圓柱、圓錐型提高了至少14%的衝擊能量,因此曲線型對於超音波的能量傳遞有較好的表現。摘要(英) In contemporary manufacturing processes, high-pressure water flow is commonly used for chip removal and cooling effects. As an efficient and environmentally friendly industrial cleaning method, high-pressure water flow technology is widely applied in various fields. The primary principle is to use a high-pressure pump to generate powerful water jets that quickly wash away contaminants, impurities, and chips produced during machining, while also effectively reducing the high temperatures generated in the process. To further enhance the chip removal capability of high-pressure water flow and improve its practicality in industrial cleaning, this study combines existing high-pressure water flow technology with ultrasonic high-frequency vibration. The study involved simulating the effects of ultrasonic waves on the internal flow fields of three different nozzle geometries.
The simulation results indicate that the degree of turbulence distribution within the flow field significantly affects the interference of ultrasonic energy. It was observed that a uniform velocity distribution at the outlet is crucial for the stability of acoustic wave transmission. Among the three nozzle shapes compared, the curved nozzle exhibited a more stable distribution of the internal flow field and fewer turbulent regions, resulting in faster and more stable water flow and superior ultrasonic energy transmission.
Experimental results demonstrated that a testing platform for the ultrasonic nozzle was designed and built to conduct impact tests on the nozzle jets. The results proved that the curved nozzle measured an acceleration of 1.6 g during the impact tests, which was at least 14% higher in impact energy compared to the cylindrical and conical nozzles. Thus, the curved nozzle shows better performance in ultrasonic energy transmission.關鍵字(中) ★ 超音波清洗
★ 噴嘴
★ 高壓水射流
★ 空化效應
★ 壓電效應關鍵字(英) ★ Ultrasonic Cleaning
★ Nozzle
★ High-Pressure Water Jet
★ Cavitation
★ Piezoelectric論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究動機及目的 1
1-2文獻回顧 2
1-3論文架構 4
第二章 模擬與理論說明 5
2-1超音波作用原理 5
2-1-1熱作用 5
2-1-2機械作用 6
2-1-3空化作用 6
2-1-4超音波振盪子振動原理 7
2-1-5正壓電效應 7
2-1-6逆壓電效應 8
2-2數值分析模擬 9
2-2-1基本方程式 10
2-2-2相關參數計算 11
2-2-3模擬步驟流程 13
2-2-4幾何建模 13
2-2-5建立模型及求解 17
2-2-6圓錐型參數設計 18
2-2-7圓柱型參數設計 18
2-2-8曲線型參數設計 19
2-3訊號分析理論 20
第三章 實驗架構與方法 22
3-1超音波噴嘴可行性測試 22
3-2振動量測設備介紹 25
3-2-1超音波振盪子 26
3-2-2加速規 26
3-2-3資料擷取設備 27
3-2-4抽水馬達 27
3-3振動量測流程 28
3-3-1超音波噴水之量測 29
第四章 結果與討論 31
4-1 噴嘴結構對內部流場的影響 31
4-1-1圓柱型的出口直徑對內流場的影響 31
4-1-2圓錐型收縮角α對內部流場的影響 33
4-1-3曲線型過渡比對內流場的影響 34
4-2超音波噴水量測結果 35
第五章 結論與未來展望 38
5-1結論 38
5-2未來展望 39
第六章 參考文獻 40參考文獻 QIU,XIAOMING, T. Oka, "Ultrasonic Water Jet Device," JP2020000995A, Disco Corp, June 28, 2018, and published January 9, 2020.
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振動噪音產學技術聯盟, 甚麼是取樣頻率(Sampling Frequency)?
http://aitanvh.blogspot.com/2017/11/sampling-frequency.html, accessed on 27 April, 2022.指導教授 董必正(Pi-Cheng Tung) 審核日期 2024-9-11 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare