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姓名 趙昱安(Yu-An Jhao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 一種簡易旋轉式LED曝光裝置的設計與實作
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摘要(中) 本研究為了設計出實體的簡易旋轉式LED曝光裝置,我們使用了虛實整合的概念,建立一套曝光機演算模型。首先將LED的照度分布函數化,利用數學軟體將LED進行照度與位移疊加,並將曝光機模型依實作要求的規格進行設計。透過演算模型可以去驗證旋轉式曝光機相比於直曝式曝光機所改善的特點,同時在旋轉式曝光機中考慮到邊界效應,這導致曝光結果不佳需要做調整。為了達成設計目標,經過調整LED排列方式將曝光均勻度≧90%。此外我們使用光學模擬軟體來驗證演算模型的準確性,在軟體建立曝光機模型進行光線追跡,得到模擬結果與演算結果差僅為3%。
本研究在進行簡易曝光機實作設計前,考慮到節能、環保的議題,在設計曝光機相關元件時,盡量去使用再生材料或二次元件來建構,透過手工製造與組裝出簡易旋轉式LED曝光來驗證。並且因安全考量將 UV-LED替換成白光LED進行後續實驗。此外本研究選擇高功率LED對散熱的要求高,若因高溫產生的積熱會使LED衰減,因此我們進行光源承載盤的散熱設計,並使用熱流軟體進行散熱模擬。
摘要(英) In this study, we aimed to design a physical, simplified rotating LED exposure device by employing the concept of virtual-physical integration to establish a computational model for the exposure machine. Initially, the LED illuminance distribution was formulated, and mathematical software was used to simulate the overlap of illuminance and displacement. The exposure machine model was then designed according to the required specifications. Through the computational model, we were able to verify the improvements in the rotating exposure machine compared to the traditional static exposure machine. Furthermore, the boundary effect in the rotating exposure machine, which led to suboptimal exposure results, was addressed by adjusting the LED arrangement to achieve an exposure uniformity of ≥90%. In addition, we utilized optical simulation software to validate the accuracy of the computational model by constructing an exposure machine model and conducting ray tracing. The simulation results deviated from the computed results by only 3%.
Prior to the implementation of the simplified exposure machine, we took energy efficiency and environmental sustainability into account. During the design of the machine components, we prioritized the use of recycled materials and repurposed components. A prototype of the rotating LED exposure machine was manually constructed and assembled for validation purposes. Due to safety concerns, the UV-LED was replaced with a white-light LED for subsequent experiments. Moreover, since the selected high-power LEDs generate significant heat, which could lead to thermal degradation, we designed a cooling system for the LED carrier plate and conducted thermal simulations using CFD software to optimize heat dissipation.
In the design process of the exposure machine components, we focused on the carrier plate, as any central misalignment or angular deviation of the collimated light source modules installed on the plate would severely impact the exposure results. To stabilize the exposure machine model, we adjusted the exposure direction and designed components such as locking elements to drive the carrier plate, stabilization devices, and an adjustable detection system to receive the light source, along with a supporting platform.
For the measurement of the simplified rotating LED exposure machine, we arranged eight light sensors with a minimum interval of 0.5 cm, covering a range of 0 cm to 16 cm. The light sensors were measured using Arduino, with the exposure time set to 5 seconds per measurement, during which each sensor conducted 100 measure ments, and the average value was calculated. The actual measurements revealed a central misalignment of ±2.5 mm and a rotational deviation of ±5 mm during the rotation of the carrier plate, along with other manufacturing-related errors. Compared to the simulation results, the effective exposure area increased by 1 cm, while the exposure uniformity remained at ≥90%. These findings ultimately validated the accuracy and feasibility of the simulation results.
關鍵字(中) ★ UV-LED
★ 旋轉式曝光機
★ 光場函數
關鍵字(英) ★ Ultraviolet light emitting diode
★ rotary exposure machine
★ light field function
論文目次 摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 1
1 第一章、緒論 2
1-1 研究背景 2
1-2 研究動機與目的 5
1-3 文獻回顧 5
1-4 論文架構 7
2 第二章、基本理論 8
2-1 輻射度量學 8
2-1-1 輻射通量 8
2-1-2 立體角 8
2-1-3 輻射強度 9
2-1-4 輻射照度 9
2-1-5 輻射照度均勻度 9
2-2 曝光劑量 10
2-3 照度分布函數化 10
2-3-1 模擬光源 10
2-3-2 照度分布演算函數 11
2-3-3 照度疊加理論 12
2-3-4 照度位移疊加理論 13
3 第三章、簡易LED曝光機模型模擬與驗證 14
3-1 模擬架構 14
3-2 光源間距與旋轉中心 15
3-3 直曝式與旋轉式曝光機演算模型模擬 16
3-3-1 簡易直曝式曝光機均勻度分析 16
3-3-2 簡易旋轉式曝光機均勻度分析 18
3-3-3 調整邊界區域的光源分析 19
3-4 LightTools模擬 22
3-4-1 蒙地卡羅光線追跡法 22
3-4-2 準直光源模組與偵測面 23
3-4-3 光線追跡模擬 24
4 第四章、簡易旋轉式LED曝光機架構設計與模擬 27
4-1 簡易旋轉式LED曝光機設計步驟 27
4-1-1 LED目標工作溫度 27
4-1-2 承載盤材料選擇與散熱設計 30
4-1-3 驅動馬達與轉動軸卡榫元件設計 31
4-1-4 承載盤穩定裝置設計 33
4-2 承載盤熱流模擬 35
4-2-1 Fluent軟體介紹 35
4-2-2 前處理器 35
4-2-3 求解器 37
4-3 可調式分時檢測裝置設計 39
5 第五章、簡易旋轉式LED曝光機實體建構與驗證 42
5-1 簡易旋轉式LED曝光機製作與組裝測試 42
5-2 光源模組與供電方法 45
5-3 可調式分時檢測裝置製作與結果討論 48
6 第六章、結論與未來展望 55
6-1 結論 55
6-2 未來展望 56
7 第七章、參考文獻 57
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指導教授 陳奇夆(Chi-Feng Chen) 審核日期 2024-9-30
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