博碩士論文 965202012 詳細資訊

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姓名 林冠余(Guan-Yu Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 實體系統執行程序至虛擬平台之動態遷移
(Live Migration of Running Program from Physical Platform to Virtual Environment)
★ 整合多樣配置組態下的藍芽射頻驗證系統★ 具檔案敘述相關語查詢之智慧型檔案搜尋系統
★ 具遲到者支援功能之網際網路簡報系統★ 以快速廣播法建構熱門視訊隨選服務伺服器
★ 具事件同步再現特性之遠程電傳展示伺服器★ 無線網路環境下之廣播資訊快速下載
★ 中文網站繁簡互訪協助系統★ 支援時光平移播放之調適性現場直播演算法
★ 用於互動式廣播之段落對齊法★ 熱門影片廣播法之影片區段復原機制
★ 配合熱門影片廣播的本地伺服器高效快取法★ 一個增進SIP在防火牆環境中應用的協同模組
★ 考量網頁熱門度之一致性雜湊法解決 網頁代理伺服器之負載平衡★ 以網域名稱伺服器為基礎之色情網站過濾系統
★ 使用熱門廣播法及支援點對點傳輸之影音內容傳遞網路★ 變動頻寬平滑化之熱門廣播演算法
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摘要(中) 虛擬技術有助於使用者在運行於實體硬體的作業系統(Host OS)中創造另一個虛擬的硬體環境,並能建立可執行客端作業系統(Guest OS)的虛擬機器(Virtual Machine)。虛擬機器中的客端作業系統將會使用虛擬環境技術提供的虛擬硬體裝置,如同擁有自己專屬的硬體環境。在此技術下,系統的安全性、資源分配及群集系統的管理效率都能大幅提升。
摘要(英) Virtualization technology helps user create a virtual environment which contains virtual machine that able to execute guest OS on the operating system currently running on a physical platform. Guest OS inside the virtual machine will use the virtual hardware device provided by virtual environment, just like a exclusive hardware environment for it. With sheltering of such technique, the security of system, resource allocation and management of cluster systems can significantly improve.
With supports of hardware that performance increasing every day, the applying of virtual technology is indeed very practical and effective; virtual platform installation is also very easy to take action. however, taking into account the existing operating system running on the physical hardware, at present the only feasible way to switch platform from physical to virtual, is to reinstall whole operating system and re-deployment all applications. Clearly, this approach cannot be directly, effectively and efficiently use by the operation system on the existing machine.
This paper present a solution for lively migrating of running operating system from physical platform to virtual environment, and discussed in detail the steps in which to study the feasibility of the various steps. provided through the program dynamics of migration - in progressing of moving, the process and operating system can maintain its execution - many cannot tolerate disruption of system operations, such as: the operation takes a long time scientific computing, real-time response to network services ... and so on, will be able to maintain the progress of the previous operation, at the same time, the system platform switch from the physical to the virtual machine environment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 動態遷移
★ 虛擬機器
★ 虛擬技術
關鍵字(英) ★ live migration
★ virtual machines
★ virtualization technology
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 相關研究 4
2.1 虛擬機器 4
2.2 虛擬系統遷移技術 9
2.3 虛擬系統動態遷移技術 10
2.4 現有的作業系統動態遷移技術 13
2.4.1 Xen的動態遷移 13
2.4.2 Nomadic Operating Systems 15
2.4.3 Self-migration of Operating Systems 15
2.5 儲存裝置遷移技術 16
2.6 程序檢查點製作工具 16
2.6.1 DMTCP 17
第三章 系統設計和架構 23
3.1 目標 23
3.2 系統設計卅分析 23
3.2.1 遷移底層的差異問題 24
3.2.2 動態遷移的實踐 26
3.3 系統架構 27
3.4 系統實作 30
3.4.1 DMTCP之修改 30
3.4.2 其餘系統功能 31
3.4.3 系統操作範例 32
第四章 效能評估 34
4.1 實驗環境 34
4.2 系統初始化所需時間 34
4.3 程序動態遷移所需時間 35
4.4 以實際動態遷移一個編輯器為實例 35
第五章 討論及未來方向 37
第六章 結論 39
參考文獻 40
附錄:研究論文計畫口試建議改進事項 44
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指導教授 曾黎明(Li-Ming Tseng) 審核日期 2009-7-29
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