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姓名 彭文秈(Wen-shien Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 應用於社群網路服務的知識管理系統:以大學實驗室為例
(Knowledge Management System for Social Network Services : A Case Study on Campus Laboratory)
★ 無線行動隨意網路上穩定品質服務路由機制之研究★ 應用多重移動式代理人之網路管理系統
★ 應用移動式代理人之網路協同防衛系統★ 鏈路狀態資訊不確定下QoS路由之研究
★ 以訊務觀察法改善光突發交換技術之路徑建立效能★ 感測網路與競局理論應用於舒適性空調之研究
★ 以搜尋樹為基礎之無線感測網路繞徑演算法★ 基於無線感測網路之行動裝置輕型定位系統
★ 多媒體導覽玩具車★ 以Smart Floor為基礎之導覽玩具車
★ 行動社群網路服務管理系統-應用於發展遲緩兒家庭★ 具位置感知之穿戴式行動廣告系統
★ 調適性車載廣播★ 車載網路上具預警能力之車輛碰撞避免機制
★ 應用於無線車載網路上之合作式交通資訊傳播機制以改善車輛擁塞★ 智慧都市中應用車載網路以改善壅塞之調適性虛擬交通號誌
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摘要(中) 今日的我們生活在網路時代,訊息、文件和知識的電子化已經是很普及的現象。有許多人因為彼此間有著某種特定的關係而聚集成一個團體或組織,稱之前社群網路,例如一個企業、一個社會福利團體,或者大學實驗室裡的成員;網路上有許多服務是針對某個特定的社群網路而提供的服務,稱之為社群網路服務,例如維基百科、雅虎信箱,或者實驗室網路中的知識管理系統。一個組織是否有競爭力,端看其是否有一套完善的管理知識的機制。知識管理這門學問發展至今已是顯學,而知識管理系統在提升組織的競爭力上扮演一個很重要的角色;組織採用知識管理系統作為管理組織內部知識、提升工作執行效率的工具也已是普遍現象,使我們不得不開始重視知識管理這門學問對這個時代的影響力。
本論文即針對大學實驗室實作知識管理系統,期能提升實驗室成員的學習效果。本系統包含一個主要平台及兩個輔助平台,主要平台是DokuWiki,輔助平台是Google Docs及Google Forum。實驗室中的資料大致分為兩類,一類是具討論性質的文件(如論文或計畫的討論記錄),可利用線上的Google Forum平台建構; 另一類是較不具討論性質的文件 (如實驗室最新消息,製作投影片的注意事項,通訊錄等),可分別利用DokuWiki平台或是Google Docs平台編輯完成; 由Google Forum或Google Docs平台編輯的資料,將由該資料的負責人依本論文的機制做審理、定稿,並發佈至DokuWiki平台中。此外,在本系統中亦包含弱點提醒功能(WA),可在多份的討論記錄當中自動標示並統計重覆被提出的問題,以此歸納出該主題之弱點所在。本論文採用做問卷的方式評估系統效能,對象是實驗室所有成員,其結果顯示此系統對實驗室成員在學習上是有助益的。
摘要(英) Nowadays we live in E era, and the electronization of information, documents, and knowledge is a widespread phenomenon. Some people who get together because of some relations between each other and then form a group or an organization, we call social network, for example, an enterprise, a social welfare organization, or the member in campus laboratory. There has some applications which support some services for special social networks in the Internet, we call social network services, for example, Wikipedia, Yahoo mail server, or the Knowledge Management System (KMS) in laboratory. Whether the competitiveness of an organization is strong or not depends on whether the organization has a robust mechanism of managing knowledge or not. Knowledge management is a significant learning today, and KMS plays a very important role in improving organization’s competitiveness. Organizations construct a KMS as a tool for managing knowledge through Intranet and enhancing the efficiency of processes is getting more and more popular, so we should attach importance to the impact of the learning of knowledge management in this era.
The thesis constructs a KMS for laboratory in order to increase the efficiency on learning of the members in laboratory. The system includes one main platform named DokuWiki and two help platform named Google Docs and Google Forum. The data of laboratory can be classify to two kinds, one kind of the data are discussional documents (ex: records for discussions of thesis or projects) that can be constructed by using Google Forum platform, another kind of the data are non-discussional documents that can be constructed by using DokuWiki platform or Google Docs platform, and the administrator of the documents that are constructed by Google Forum platform or Google Docs platform can check, finalize, and distributed the documents into DokuWiki platform by following the mechanism that are proposed by this thesis. Besides, this thesis proposed a function named Weakness Analysis (WA) that can automatically marking and counting the questions that are proposed repeatedly between records of discussions, and then generalize the weaknesses of that subject. The thesis uses questionnaires to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed system, the subjects is all the members in laboratory, and the results show that the proposed system is efficient on learning of the members in laboratory.
關鍵字(中) ★ 知識管理
★ 知識管理系統
★ 社群網路
★ 社群網路服務
★ Wiki
★ DokuWiki
關鍵字(英) ★ wiki
★ social network services
★ knowledge management
★ knowledge management system
★ social network
★ DokuWiki
論文目次 Chapter. 1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Motivation ...................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Goals .............................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Thesis Organization ....................................................................................... 3
Chapter. 2 Background and Related Work ..................................................................... 4
2.1 Social Network and Social Network Services ............................................... 4
2.2 Knowledge Management ............................................................................... 4
2.2.1. Knowledge ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.2.2. Knowledge-Spiral (K-Spiral) Model ................................................................................ 5
2.2.3. Knowledge Management .................................................................................................. 6
2.2.4. Knowledge Base ............................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Web 2.0 .......................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Related Works ................................................................................................ 8
2.4.1 Knowledge Management in Educational Blog ................................................................. 9
2.4.2 KEA System Combined with Social Networking Techniques ........................................ 11
2.4.3 Wikipedia ........................................................................................................................ 12
2.4.4 Yahoo Answers ............................................................................................................... 13
2.4.5 Comparison ..................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter. 3 Needs of Knowledge Management System in Laboratory ......................... 15
3.1 Mechanism of Knowledge Learning in Laboratory Mapping to K-Spiral
Model ........................................................................................................... 15
3.1.1 SECI Model of Knowledge Learning ............................................................................. 15
3.1.2 Knowledge-Spiral of Knowledge Learning .................................................................... 16
3.2 Data of Laboratory ....................................................................................... 17
3.3 Knowledge Innovation ................................................................................. 18
3.4 Laboratory Tree ............................................................................................ 20
3.5 Analysis of Demands ................................................................................... 24
3.6 Function Design ........................................................................................... 27
3.6.1 Function Modules ........................................................................................................... 28
3.6.2 Relevance between Functions and Databases ................................................................. 29
3.6.3 Flowchart of Minute Management ................................................................................. 38
3.6.4 Flowchart and Mechanism of Importance Analysis ........................................................ 44
Chapter. 4 Implementations ......................................................................................... 51
4.1 Environment of System ................................................................................ 51
4.2 Development Tool and Assistant Tools ........................................................ 53
4.3 System Testing ............................................................................................. 54
4.4 Questionnaire ............................................................................................... 92
4.4.1. Questionnaire of Satisfaction Capacity ........................................................................... 92
4.4.2. Results of Questionnaires ............................................................................................... 93
4.5 Reliability and Validity ................................................................................ 97
4.5.1 Reliability ....................................................................................................................... 97
4.5.2 Validity ........................................................................................................................... 98
Chapter. 5 Conclusions and Future Works ................................................................. 101
5.1. Conclusions ................................................................................................ 101
5.2. Future Works .............................................................................................. 102
References ............................................................................................................ 104
Appendix A Results of Questionnaires of Importance Marking and Sentences Sets
with Similar Meaning of Sentences in a Subject ............................... 107
Appendix B Questionnaire of KMS in Laboratory ................................................ 136
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指導教授 周立德(Li-der Chou) 審核日期 2009-7-29
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