博碩士論文 91342004 詳細資訊

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姓名 張增宏(Tseng-Hung Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 水中回填水泥改良土力學性質與抗液化機制之研究
(A Study of Mechanical Properties and Liquefaction Mechanism of Sedimental Sand Treated by Cement and Coagulant)
★ 動力夯實之有效影響深度與地表振動阻隔研究★ 砂土層中潛盾機地中接合漏水引致地層下陷之案例探討
★ 動力壓密工法施工引致地表振動之阻隔★ 音波式圓錐貫入試驗於土層界面判定之應用
★ 孔洞開挖後軟弱地盤之沉陷行為★ 超載對打設排水帶後軟弱地盤壓密行為之影響
★ 山岳隧道湧水處理之研究★ 砂土中基樁側向位移之改良研究
★ 圓錐貫入試驗中土壤音壓之研究★ 水泥混合處理砂質土壤液化特性之改良研究
★ 扶壁改善深開挖擋土壁體變形行為之研究★ 微音錐應用於土壤音射特性之研究
★ 黏性土壤受定量擠壓變形後之力學行為★ 黏土中短樁側向位移之改良研究
★ 砂土經水泥改良後之力學性質★ 黏土中模型樁側向位移之改良研究
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摘要(中) 本研究以峴港砂為水中回填之主要材料,經水泥改良後,探討水泥改良砂土經沉降堆積後之力學特性、抗液化機制及改良效果評估,並建立一較佳配比模式,可供填海造地工程實際應用與防制液化災害之參考。研究方法乃首先以初始乾單位重與初始相對密度為主要控制變因,再於不同水泥配比、養治時間、細料含量、水泥種類、人工海水鹽度與抗分散劑等條件下,分別採用濕搗法和水中沉降法製作改良土試體,進行一系列之無圍壓縮試驗與動力三軸試驗。
改良砂土於陸上回填時,具有很高之剪力強度,但就填海造地工程而言,改良砂土必須於水中進行回填,此時由於水泥與砂土顆粒產生分離現象,將導致改良土強度大幅損失約90 %以上,故本研究藉由添加抗分散劑之方式,利用其電荷吸附及架橋作用,可有效地將砂土顆粒與水泥包覆成團,進而同時沉降,減少水泥與砂土顆粒產生分離現象,促使水化作用得以有效發揮,可明確地有助於改良砂土剪力強度之增強。其中,抗分散劑種類之選擇,以聚丙烯醯胺類為最佳,可有效減少無圍壓縮強度之損失率,且損失率最低者可達41 %。
在本研究試驗範圍內,當試體準備方式採用濕搗法者,於初始相對密度為40 %、高嶺土細料含量為10 %、鹽度為3.5 %,養治時間28天等條件,砂土添加水泥配比1.5 %者,或當採用水中沉降法進行試體準備時,以聚丙烯醯胺類為抗分散劑且添加率為344 mg/kg,水泥配比為6 %及養治時間為28天者,上述改良土之液化阻抗均可獲得明顯地改善。
摘要(英) In this study, Danang Sand was used as the main material for backfilling in water. The purpose of this study is focused on the mechanical properties, liquefaction mechanisms and improved effects of cement treated sand after the procedure of water sedimentation. A optimum ratio model was established as a suggestion for reclamation in water or a prevention method of liquefaction hazards. The first step of research was to control initial dry weight or initial relative density, and then wet tamping method and water sedimentation method was used to prepare soil specimens under the condition of different cement content, curing time, fine content, cement type, salinity and coagulant, respectively. A series of unconfined compression tests and dynamic triaxial tests were carried out.
The results of this study showed that the shear strength of cement treated sand prepared by wet tamping method increased significantly as the increase of initial dry unit weight, cement content and curing time, respectively. On the other hand, due to the difference between the control of main variable and types of fine materials, there exists different tendencies with the increase of fine content. Under the control of initial relative density and adding Danang fines in cement treated sand, the unconfined compression strength raised continuously with the increase of fine content. When the control of main variable was initial relative density, the unconfined compression strength increased first and then decreased with the increase of fine content, whether adding Danang fines or Kaolinite. Furthermore, the unconfined compression strength presented a clear trend to reduce with the increase of salinity of environment when curing time exceeded or was equal to 28 days.
The cement treated sand can provide great shear strength for land reclamation. However, for the projects of reclamation in water, the cement treated sand will occur a separation between cement and sand particles, and that caused a significant loss of about 90 % of shear strength. Therefore, in this study, some coagulants were used and added into the cement treated sands. Because the coagulant can coat the sand particles and cement effectively, to prevent cement treated sand from separating by charge adsorption and bridging, and hydration of cement can act effectively and continuously. Then the shear strength of cement treated sand can be enhanced. Among them, the best type of coagulant is polyacrylamide which can effectively reduce the loss of unconfined compression strength, and the lowest loss rate can be reduced to 41 %.
In addition, under the condition of using the Portland cement type I, Danang fine and Danang sand, this study recommends a model of unconfined compression strength for cement treated sand. This model includes five parameters, such as initial dry unit weight, cement content, fine content, salinity and curing time. The unconfined compression strength of cement treated sand can be assessed accurately.
In the scope of this study, when the specimens were prepared by wet tamping method, under the conditions of initial relative density of 40 %, fine content of Kaolinite of 10 %, salinity of 3.5 %, curing time of 28 days and cement content of 1.5 % or when using the water sedimentation method, under the conditions of cement content of 6 %, adding ratio of polyacrylamide of 344 mg/kg and curing time of 28 days, the liquefaction resistance of the cement treated sand mentioned previously can be significantly improved.
In view of most of the presented excess pore water pressure ratio curve models are established by pure sand, these models cannot present the characteristics of excess pore water pressure of cement treated sand properly. Therefore, this study recommends a modified model of excess pore pressure ratio curve which has the advantages of model of both DeAlba et al. (1975) and Sakai et al. (1994), and can improve the shortcomings of this aforementioned two models. So, the modified model mentioned in this study can offer a better exploration of the excess pore water pressure ratio of cement treated sand.
關鍵字(中) ★ 細料含量
★ 養治時間
★ 水泥配比
★ 液化阻抗
★ 抗分散劑
★ 鹽度
關鍵字(英) ★ fine content
★ coagulant
★ liquefaction resistance
★ curing time
★ cement content
★ salinity
論文目次 目 錄
章別 頁次
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 前言------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究動機及目的--------------------------------------- 2
1.3 研究方法--------------------------------------------- 6
1.4 論文內容--------------------------------------------- 8
第二章 文獻回顧----------------------------------------- 13
2.1 水泥改良土------------------------------------------ 13
2.1.1 水泥組成與水化作用------------------------------ 13
2.1.2 土壤與水泥的固結原理---------------------------- 15
2.1.3 水泥水化產物之微觀結構及其對工程性質之影響------ 17
2.1.4 水泥對改良土之影響------------------------------ 19
2.2 海水對水泥改良土之影響------------------------------ 22
2.2.1 海水之化學成分---------------------------------- 22
2.2.2 氯離子對水泥漿體之影響-------------------------- 24
2.2.3 硫酸鹽對水泥漿體之影響-------------------------- 26
2.3 飛灰對水泥漿體之影響-------------------------------- 28
2.3.1 飛灰之種類與效益-------------------------------- 28
2.3.2 飛灰與水泥漿體之反應機理------------------------ 30
2.3.3 飛灰對混凝土的影響------------------------------ 31
2.4 抗分散劑對水泥改良土之影響-------------------------- 32
2.4.1 混凝與膠凝之理論-------------------------------- 32
2.4.2 鋁鹽與鐵鹽之混凝機制---------------------------- 35
2.4.3 有機高分子絮凝劑之種類與絮凝機制---------------- 37
2.4.4 聚丙烯醯胺之性質、合成、絮凝機制與應用---------- 41 聚丙烯醯胺之結構和性質---------------------- 41 聚丙烯醯胺之合成---------------------------- 42 聚丙烯醯胺之絮凝機制------------------------ 43 聚丙烯醯胺之應用---------------------------- 43
2.5 砂土液化-------------------------------------------- 54
2.6 影響土壤液化強度之因素------------------------------ 57
2.6.1 試體準備方式------------------------------------ 57
2.6.2 相對密度---------------------------------------- 58
2.6.3 細料含量---------------------------------------- 59 非塑性細料對砂土液化強度之影響-------------- 60 塑性細料對砂土液化強度之影響---------------- 61
2.6.4 顆粒組構特性------------------------------------ 62
2.6.5 孔隙介質---------------------------------------- 62
2.7 土壤液化過程中之超額孔隙水壓激發曲線---------------- 63
2.8 地盤改良中之液化防治對策---------------------------- 65
第三章 土樣與試驗方法---------------------------------- 101
3.1 試驗砂樣、改良材料與細料材料----------------------- 101
3.1.1 試驗砂樣--------------------------------------- 101
3.1.2 改良材料--------------------------------------- 102
3.1.3 細料材料--------------------------------------- 103
3.1.4 拌和水與養治水調配----------------------------- 105
3.2 試體製作------------------------------------------- 106
3.2.1 未改良土試體----------------------------------- 107
3.2.2 改良土試體------------------------------------- 108
3.2.3 人工回填地盤----------------------------------- 109
3.3 試驗方法及試驗儀器--------------------------------- 113
3.3.1 無圍壓縮試驗----------------------------------- 113
3.3.2 動力三軸試驗----------------------------------- 114 控制系統----------------------------------- 115 量測系統----------------------------------- 116 動力系統----------------------------------- 117 訊號擷取記錄系統--------------------------- 118 三軸室------------------------------------- 119
3.4 動態試驗步驟--------------------------------------- 119
3.4.1 儀器校正階段----------------------------------- 119
3.4.2 試體準備階段----------------------------------- 120
3.4.3 試體飽和階段----------------------------------- 120
3.4.4 試體壓密階段----------------------------------- 121
3.4.5 反覆應力加載階段------------------------------- 122
3.4.6 液化後再壓密階段------------------------------- 123
3.4.7 資料處理階段----------------------------------- 123
3.5 補償荷重之計算------------------------------------- 123
第四章 水泥改良土之力學特性---------------------------- 144
4.1 無圍壓縮試驗之結果與分析--------------------------- 144
4.1.1 初始乾單位重----------------------------------- 145 初始乾單位重與無圍壓縮強度之關係----------- 145 水泥配比與無圍壓縮強度之關係--------------- 148 細料含量與無圍壓縮強度之關係--------------- 150 養治時間與無圍壓縮強度之關係--------------- 152 人工海水鹽度與無圍壓縮強度之關係----------- 154 副產石灰CFB與無圍壓縮強度之關係------------ 157 水泥種類與無圍壓縮強度之關係--------------- 159 正割彈性模數與無圍壓縮強度之關係----------- 162
4.1.2 初始相對密度----------------------------------- 163 水泥配比與無圍壓縮強度之關係--------------- 164 細料含量與無圍壓縮強度之關係--------------- 164 養治時間與無圍壓縮強度之關係--------------- 167 人工海水鹽度與無圍壓縮強度之關係----------- 168 副產石灰與無圍壓縮強度之關係--------------- 168 水泥種類與無圍壓縮強度之關係--------------- 169 正割彈性模數與無圍壓縮強度之關係----------- 170
4.2 動力三軸試驗之結果與分析--------------------------- 171
4.2.1 資料處理方式----------------------------------- 172
4.2.2 試驗資料分析----------------------------------- 174
4.2.3 超額孔隙水壓比激發曲線------------------------- 178
4.2.4 反覆剪應力比與達液化所需反覆作用週期數之關係--- 183 水泥配比之影響----------------------------- 183 養治時間之影響----------------------------- 184 細料含量之影響----------------------------- 185 鹽度之影響--------------------------------- 186 水泥種類之影響----------------------------- 186
4.2.5 無圍壓縮強度與液化阻抗之關係------------------- 187
4.2.6 剪力模數與剪應變之關係------------------------- 189 反覆剪應力比之影響------------------------- 189 各種控制變因對第一週期剪力模數之影響------- 190
4.2.7 無圍壓縮強度與最大第一週期剪力模數之關係------- 191
4.2.8 液化阻抗與最大第一週期剪力模數之關係----------- 192
4.2.9 剪力模數與剪應變關係之預估模式----------------- 193
第五章 抗分散劑對水中回填水泥改良土力學特性之影響機制與改
良效益-------------------------------------------- 251
5.1 無圍壓縮試驗之結果與分析--------------------------- 251
5.1.1 軸向應力與軸向應變之關係----------------------- 253
5.1.2 水泥配比與無圍壓縮強度之關係------------------- 255
5.1.3 抗分散劑添加率與無圍壓縮強度之關係------------- 257
5.1.4 養治時間與無圍壓縮強度之關係------------------- 263
5.1.5 無圍壓縮強度與正割彈性模數之關係--------------- 263
5.2 動力三軸試驗之結果與分析--------------------------- 266
5.2.1 資料處理方式----------------------------------- 266
5.2.2 液化試驗結果----------------------------------- 267
5.2.3 超額孔隙水壓比激發曲線------------------------- 271
5.2.4 反覆剪應力比與達液化所需反覆作用週期數之關係--- 273 水泥配比之影響----------------------------- 273 抗分散劑添加率之影響----------------------- 274 養治時間之影響----------------------------- 276
5.2.5 無圍壓縮強度與液化阻抗之關係------------------- 277
5.2.6 剪力模數與剪應變之關係------------------------- 278 反覆剪應力比之影響------------------------- 278 各種控制變因對第一週期剪力模數之影響------- 279
5.2.7 無圍壓縮強度與最大第一週期剪力模數之關係------- 280
5.2.8 液化阻抗與最大第一週期剪力模數之關係----------- 281
5.2.9 剪力模數與剪應變關係之預估模式----------------- 282
第六章 結論與建議-------------------------------------- 333
6.1 結論----------------------------------------------- 333
6.1.1 水泥改良土力學特性------------------------------- 333
6.1.2 抗分散劑對水中回填水泥改良土力學特性之影響------- 337
6.2 建議----------------------------------------------- 339
參考文獻----------------------------------------------- 342
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指導教授 張惠文(Huei-Wen Chang) 審核日期 2009-7-12
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