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姓名 歐陽嘉(Chia Ou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 學習動機和社交能力對於學生在跨領域合作學習成效影響之研究與實證
(An empirical study of how academic motivation and social ability influence on learning outcome in cross-disciplinary collaborative learning)
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★ 一個以服務品質為基礎的網際服務選擇最佳化方法★ 維基百科知識推薦系統對於使用e-Portfolio的學習者滿意度調查
★ 學生的學習動機、網路自我效能與系統滿意度之探討-以e-Portfolio為例★ 藉由在第二人生內使用自動對話代理人來改善英文學習成效
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摘要(中) 長久以來,跨學門合作無論是在醫學、藝術、工程以及自然科學等領域之中,皆扮演著重要的角色。而進幾年來,各個學校以及教育機關也開始重視所謂的跨領域合作學習,並且藉此改變過去學校教育過於注重於單一領域合作學習的現象,進而提升學生在跨學門合作上的能力,以因應強調跨學門合作的真實世界。因此,究竟是什麼樣的因素會去影響學生的學習成效,以及學生在完成跨領域學習之後又能獲得何種能力,是值得去探討的一個議題。根據上述的原因,本研究的研究目的便是要建立出一個真實的跨領域學習環境,並從中觀察學生的學習情況,以找出影響學習成效的關鍵因素。本研究配合了教育部的“跨學門科學人才培育計劃”,以中央大學中參與該計劃的學生為研究對象,讓他們進行以專題式學習為方法的跨領域合作學習,並且以各種學習量表收集學生的學習資料,以探討和證明學習動機以及社交能力,確實會影響學生跨領域合作學習之成效。
摘要(英) For a long time Cross-disciplinary collaborative learning plays an important role in many areas such as medical, art, engineering, and science. Recently many schools and educative organizations adopt this learning approach, hope it can improve the cross-disciplinary collaborative skill, experience, and knowledge of students for helping them connect with real world. Under this trend, what factors will influences students‘ learning outcome and what competence do they obtains within the learning process, are an interest topic of research. Based on this reason our research goal is to build a real cross-disciplinary collaboration learning environment to investigate what key factors will cause cross-disciplinary collaboration learning become affective? We chose the students of NCU who join the ―cross-disciplinary science personnel education plan‖ which conducted by educative ministry of Taiwan as the experiment subject. We collected and analyzed the learning data of those students for exploring and proving that the academic motivation and social ability can affect the learning outcomes of cross-disciplinary collaborative learning.
關鍵字(中) ★ 跨領域合作學習
★ 學習動機
★ 社交能力
★ 學習成效
關鍵字(英) ★ learning outcomes
★ social ability
★ academic motivation
★ cross-disciplinary collaborative learning
論文目次 摘要………………………………………………………………………I
List of Figures………………………………………………………..VIII
List of Tables…………………………………………………………...IX
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………1
1.1 What is the motivation of this research topic? ............................................... 3
1.1.1 General description of current status of the research topic……………5
1.1.2 Why this research topic is important and interesting? ......................... 7
1.1.3 Who will be interested in this research topic?........................................8
1.2 Research questions…………………………………………………………...9
1.2.1 Describe what kinds of research questions in this research topic….....9
1.2.2 Significant…………………………………………………………….9
1.3 Solution………………………………………………...................................13
1.3.1 Learning Method…………………………………………………….13
1.3.2 Learning Platform…………………………………………………....15
1.3.3 E-Portfolio…………………………………………………………...16
1.4 Contribution………………………………………………………………....17
Chapter 2 Literature review…………………………………………..18
2.1 Cross-disciplinary collaboration learning……………………………………………………..18
2.2 Learning outcome…………………………………………………………...22
2.3 Academic motivation………………………………………………………..24
2.3.1 Definition and theories……………………………………………......24
2.3.2 How academic motivation affects learning outcome………………...29
2.4 Social ability………………………………………………………………...32
2.4.1 Definition and theories………………………………………………32
2.4.2 How social ability affects learning outcome………………………...35
2.5 Learning approach…………………………………………………………..37
2.5.1 Various learning approaches…………………………………………37
2.5.2 Comparison of various approaches on cross-disciplinary collaboration
2.6 Learning platform…………………………………………………………...45
2.6.1 Project-based learning and e-portfolio system………………………45
2.6.2 Various systems……………………………………………………...47
2.6.3 Comparison of various systems with our system……………………48 Strength, Weakness……………………………………………51
Chapter 3 Method and Solutions……………………………………..54
3.1 Research design……………………………………………………………..54
3.1.1 Research architecture and hypothesis………………………………..54
3.1.2 Definition of variable………………………………………………...55
3.2 Research tool………………………………………………………………..56
3.2.1 Questionnaire…………………………………………………………56 Academic motivation scale…………………………………...56 Social ability scale……………………………………………58 Learning outcome toward CCL scale………………………...59 3.2.2 Learning platform……………………………………………………62 3.3 Research subject……………………………………………………………..62
3.4 Research procedure………………………………………………………….62 3.5 Data collection and analysis method………………………………………...63 3.5.1 Data collection method……………………………………………………63 3.5.2 Data analysis method……………………………………………………...63
Chapter 4 System implementation……………………………………64
4.1 Implementation environment……………………………………………64 4.1.1 Hardware and Software platforms…………………………………...64
4.1.2 Implementation language & tool…………………………………….64
4.2 System architecture………………………………………………………….65
4.2.1 High-level system design and analysis………………………………65
4.2.2 Low-level system design and analysis……………………………….68
4.3 System demo………………………………………………………………...70
4.3.1 Scenarios for illustrating system functionalities……………………..70
4.3.2 User interface, execution result, print screen, etc……………………72
4.4 Experience learned from the implementation……………………………….75
4.4.1 Difficulties and possible solutions…………………………………...75
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion…………………………………….76
5.1 Academic motivation scale………………………………………………….76
5.1.1 Item analysis…………………………………………………………76
5.1.2 Exploratory factor analysis…………………………………………..77
5.1.3 Reliable analysis……………………………………………………..78
5.2 Social ability scale…………………………………………………………..79
5.2.1 Item analysis…………………………………………………………79
5.2.2 Exploratory factor analysis…………………………………………..80
5.2.3 Reliable analysis……………………………………………………..81
5.3 Learning outcome toward CCL scale……………………………………….81
5.3.1 Item analysis…………………………………………………………81
5.3.2 Exploratory factor analysis…………………………………………..84
5.3.3 Reliable analysis..................................................................................86
5.4 Correlation analysis…………………………………………………………87
5.4.1 The analysis of academic motivation and learning outcome toward CCL………………………………………………………………….87
5.4.2 The analysis of social ability and learning outcome toward CCL…..89
5.4.3 Summary..............................................................................................90
Chapter 6 Conclusion and future research…………………………...92
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Stephen J.H. Ynag) 審核日期 2009-7-7
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