摘要: | 公共工程、建築物新建、拆除、整地刨除地面與裝潢修繕等各項營建工程所產生之營建副產物包括營建剩餘土石方與混合物,若能將其妥善有效回收處理及再生利用,進而點石成金轉變成營建資源,則有助於有限資源循環使用,並減緩資源不足等問題,但由於目前國內對於營建資源因缺乏有效管理措施與機制,導致其流入非法途徑與任意違規棄置之情事時有所聞,且營建資源再生利用產品尚無一客觀認證之標準,致使消費者對其品質產生疑慮與仍停留於次級品或替代品之觀念,故對於營建資源再生市場之建構造成莫大困難與障礙。 本研究針對政府相關部會推動營建資源再生利用之具體措施、相關管理法規及流向機制與申報系統進行分析探討,並將營建資源中間回收處理場依設置功能分為三等級與建立其設置準則、場區配置、進場與出場管制、標準處理作業程序及品質驗證機制,利於中間回收處理場後續管理,同時輔導其申設具CNLA品管檢驗實驗室,提昇再生利用產品之品質及再利用率,消弭需求單位對營建資源再生利用產品品質之疑慮,藉此活絡再利用市場通路,進而落實營建剩餘土石方與混合物全回收零廢棄與資源永續發展之目標。 Public project, the building newly build, removing, the soil preparation plane, decoration repairing and the several construction engineering produce construction accessory substance, includes the construction residual soil and construction waste. If can retrieve appropriately effectively dealing with and recycle, and then turn a crude essay into a literary gem and change to become construction resources, help the limited resources to recycle, and decelerate the question of insufficient resource shortage. But because lack effective control measures and mechanism in construction resources at domestic currently, cause it to flow into illegal way and throw aside in violation of rules and regulations with hear to some extent. And there is no standard of an objective authentication in the recycle product manufacture of construction resources, so there exists greatest difficulty and obstacle for constructing the market of construction resources recycle. This research analyze and discuss the construction resources recycle which the government promote, relevant management regulations, the flowing mechanism and the declaration system. And divide the reuse of recycled resources manufactory of construction resource into three classifies in accordance with setting functions, establish the setting criterion, layout, controlling in and out, standard operation procedure and the mechanism for quality authentication, benefit the reuse of recycled resources manufactory with a follow-up to manage. Coach it at the same time and establish CNLA quality control examination laboratory, enhance the quality of recycle product manufacture and the recycle ratio again, prevent the demand unit to the doubt of the product quality of the construction resources recycle, activate the recycle product market by this, then implement the construction residual soil and construction waste to retrieve the zero abandon and the goal of resources continuously forever development. |