近年來由於自然環境的保護受到高度的重視,水利工程師設計河川水利工程時已開始將自然生態工法觀念導入,但由於生態界學者將台灣河川魚類棲息環境調查之結果繁列於文獻及網站中,缺乏整合性與定量性之應用方式,而工程界人員對河川生態之瞭解與認知並非如此透徹,造成工程界設計水利工程設施時並無生態量化之平台可資應用。爰此,若能提供河川生物之可量化應用之生態資料予工程界人員參考應用,將使工程設計更符合河川生物所需生存空間,俾達到工程與生態之雙贏局面。本研究利用台灣淡水及河口魚類誌中所記錄之魚類調查資料與中央研究院生物多樣性中心所架構之台灣魚類資料庫及相關國內外文獻蒐集及分析,依臺灣本島各魚類棲息之五個動物地理分區,考量各分區中淡水特有魚種之生存適合性作為各河川生態的最主要評估標準。 評估淡水特有魚種生存適合性之量化環境因子包括流速、水深、底質及水質等四種因子,將各分區河川上、中、下游不同區段,制定維持各分區上、中、下游河段台灣特有魚類生態棲地所需之四種棲地適合度曲線,提供管理者或水利工程師一定量而非定性之工具,可應用至河川生態基流量、河川棲地適合度評估及河川治理規劃生態設計良窳之評定,期望未來可作為工程界設計河川水利工程時,生態平台中量化應用之參考準則。 This research collects the fish-researching data recorded in "The freshwater and estuarine fishes of Taiwan", "The Fish Database of Taiwan" constructed by Research Center for Biodiversity of Academia Sinica, and other related internal or external documents to propose habitat suitability curves to be applied in Taiwan. Based on quantitative factors about environment, namely flow velocity, water depth , sediments and water quality, four habitat suitability curves of endemic species of inland water fishes are drawn up to identify the need for maintaining Taiwan's endemic fishes’ habitats in five zoogeographic distribution regions at given upper, middle and down reaches of rivers. These results provide managers and hydraulic engineers a quantitative tool that is able to evaluate the ecological in-stream flow requirement, habitat suitability criteria, river management plan, and regional ecological design. It is suggested that such criteria can provide a quantitative referable standard for designing eco-platform in hydraulic engineering practice.