桃園地區別於台灣其他灌區的地方,就是在於其特殊之「埤塘灌溉系統」。早期因為桃園台地的灌溉水源不足,農民為了增闢更多灌溉用水來源,便於台地上構築蓄水池塘,以儲蓄降雨幫助桃園地區灌溉。直至1928年桃園大圳完工、1956年石門水庫完工、河水堰之增設,主要的灌溉用水來源轉變成較為可靠的河水堰及石門水庫供給,使得桃園灌區水源獲得大幅度的改善,並於近代設立的水利建設中,連結了舊有的埤塘系統,形成桃園灌區之特殊灌溉系統。 本研究是以桃園大圳為研究區域,運用Vensim系統動力軟體建構桃園大圳之灌溉系統,依照桃園灌區灌溉營運辦法,擬定灌溉的規劃方案,於方案中設定相對於灌區排水口高度之灌溉湛水高度參數,藉以Vensim系統動力軟體模擬結果,觀察各灌溉湛水高度之配置方案於桃園大圳灌區內所產生的影響變化,評估較良好之灌溉供水方式,以提升水資源之使用效益。 The water pond irrigation system in Taoyuan is a special irrigation area which differs from other irrigation area in Taiwan. Because the source of irrigation water is insufficient in Taoyuan before, farmer built water ponds in this region was in order to keep more rain water to irrigate farmland and increase the source of irrigation water. After the Taoyuan main canal and Shihmen Reservoir completed in 1928 and 1956, and the river weirs constructed, the mainly irrigation water was supplied from Shihmen Reservoir supply and the river weir intake. Besides, the modern water resource development joined with the old water ponds becomes the special irrigation system in Taoyuan. This research established a system dynamics model to imitate the Taoyuan main canal irrigation system. The model was developed with the use of VENSIM. Different irrigation procedures were simulated to evaluate the efficiency that can be introduced by incorporating the ponds, weirs and channels. The influence of irrigation depth is discussed. Such model can be applied to identify a better irrigation method to promote water resource efficiency.