摘要: | 營造業工程人員大都在戶外工作,因此在工地與辦公室間存在時間與空間落差,造 成資料處理重工及增加錯誤機會。就導入ERP系統之營造廠而言,若資料無法按時輸入ERP系統,則業主、管理人員、承包商都可能因不完整的資訊而喪失決策先機。因此建置一個行動化資訊平台,在工地透過網路用PDA與系統進行資料交換,消除工地與辦公室間存在時間及空間落差。並透過與ERP系統整合,讓業主、管理者及承包商能獲得正確即時資訊便成為重要且刻不容緩的事情。 本文以行動式PDA整合ERP系統為出發點,發展營建管理所需功能,包括:品質 檢驗系統、成本控制系統、進度控制系統、行政管理系統。使用者將ERP系統資訊下載後以離線方式進行資料蒐集及查詢,並透過無線網路(WLAN、GPRS)或與個人電腦(PC)同步傳輸方式將資料傳送至中繼資料庫後轉入ERP系統再依十大模組產生相關單據。 本研究透過系統分析及建置並在營造廠實作後得知,行動化系統確實可減少因重工 而造成資料處理效率不彰,並透過與ERP系統整合,大幅改善資訊相關性、即時性、正確性不足等問題。現今科技日新月異,營建管理自動化與行動化成為必然趨勢。PDA於營建管理應用勢必成為一股風潮,透過行動化概念,讓資料可以即時輸入,減少重工,資訊得以更輕易分享及傳遞。 In the construction industry engineers work most of the time outdoors. As a result there is a gap between the construction site and the office in both time and space. This gap increases the possibilities of data errors and subsequent rework. For those construction companies that have implemented the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)system, neither the owners, administrators, nor the suppliers may take the first opportunity to make the right decision, because of the fact that incomplete data can not be entered in the ERP system in time. Therefore, it is necessary to build a mobile data platform. This will allow the engineers to exchange data between the construction site and the ERP system by using their Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) via the Internet. This means that the gap between the construction site and the office can be eliminated, both in time and in space. In addition, the owners, administrators, as well as the suppliers can obtain correct and updated data with an integrated ERP system. This study is based on the integration of the PDA and the ERP systems which fulfills the following functions for the construction industry: Quality Inspection System, Cost Control System, Schedule Control System and Administration Management System. After downloading the ERP system data, users can collect and query this data offline. Then, they can transmit the data via Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) and personal computer synchronously to a metadata repository. After having been imported into the ERP system, the transmitted data can then generate related reports in ERP modules. Through analysis and development of the mobile system and its implementation in a construction company, this research concluded that the mobile system can decrease data processing inefficiencies caused by the reworking of data. With an integrated ERP system, the connection, real time and correctness of data will be greatly improved. With the improvement of technology, automation and mobility have become the current trends in construction management. Consequently the application of the PDA in construction management is bound to become popular. The concept of a mobile handheld computer into which one can enter data immediately will decrease data rework so that it can be shared and transmitted quick and easily. |