本研究針對預力式預鑄鋼筋混凝土柱與基礎接合之雙向承載行為,進行一系列試驗,探討預力接合系統在雙向載重下之行為反應,研究中藉試驗結果驗證消能橡膠在雙向載重作用下,以疊加效應推導預力系統分析模式之可行性,以作為工程應用之參考。研究結果顯示,消能橡膠配置於柱基礎接合之反應行為穩定,亦可有效提升系統勁度及消能能力,在雙向載重試驗中,預力系統仍保持良好之自我復位能力,且各構件皆維持彈性行為,其載重與位移關係,係由構件之最終位置決定,與其加載路徑則無絕對相關,此特性有利結構行為之預測及分析,由上述結果顯示,此雙向消能設計於預力式柱與基礎接合中,具有相當之可行性。 This study focused on the evaluation of seismic performance of post-tensioned precast reinforced concrete column to base connections subjected to bi-axial loading. A series of cyclic loading tests on the post-tensioned system with energy dissipating rubber pads were conducted to investigate the feasibility of the proposed designs for the column to base connections. Test results showed that the stiffness and the energy dissipation of the system were effectively enhanced when the rubber pads were adopted. It is confirmed from the investigation that the hysteretic behavior of the system is stable at various deformation levels. It is also validated from the test results that the self-centering capability of the system is effectively sustained, which justified the applicability of the proposed method to the engineering practice.