目前國內鋪面檢測設備愈趨進步,各研究單位皆有其專長之檢測技術,本研究將現有之軟、硬體進行開發整合並加強其實用性、適用性,提供更強大之功能,以配合目前之鋪面維護管理系統,整合內容包含鋪面平坦度系統、鋪面狀況指標系統及道路影像實錄系統整合於智慧型鋪面檢測車。 整合過程中須考慮簡化儀器裝設時間,保持車身穩定性及進行檢測儀器精準度、穩定性、變異性等驗證以確保檢測資料完整及可信度。 並將智慧型鋪面檢測車實際於各級道路包含國道、省縣道、鄉道、市區道路進行檢測,除驗證儀器可用性外更可將檢測資料進行分析結果以供鋪面養護單位作為養護參考依據。 In the presnt time, the technique and equipment of pavement survey is getting more and more advancement. Every research centre has its own expertise and how to interconnecte different system is a very important topic.This study tries to develop the intelligent vehicle for pavement survey and interconnecte different system to provide powerful and multi-function capability.We plan to interconnecte integration of digital vedio(vediologging), digital odometer, Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, roughness system, pavemat condition system in the intelligent vehicle. In the process, all we consider is about how to quickly and easily set device. Simplifying the duration of setting device, containing the stability of the car and checking the accuracy、stability and variability of the device should be considered during the integration process so that we can assure that the data is complete and accredit. We also drive the car on kinds of roads to check the pavement. Besides attest the use of our car , we can even provide the analysis results to the road maintenance assembly as reference resources.