國內目前重大公路建設已趨飽和,工程型態已由新建工程逐漸轉變成養護工程為主之建設。在汽機車日益成長之現況下,如何有效快速地收集路面資訊及避免檢測時封閉道路造成之交通阻塞已成為一大課題,國外針對此課題已研發出自動化鋪面檢測設備。目前國內已引進國際糙度指標(International Roughness Index)。 糙度(roughness),亦稱為平坦度,為道路表面輪跡縱向剖面起伏的變動量,影響路面行駛品質甚大。平坦之路面行駛舒適快速,可提高道路服務品質;反之,高低起伏嚴重之路面使車輛產生不斷的震動,用路人也會因此感到相當不適。在檢測儀器方面,本研究改善前一代自行研發智慧型鋪面檢測車,添購新型設備及軟體以改善前一代儀器所遭遇問題,更針對本系統進行一連串的驗證程序,上述程序皆參考國外相關規範加以驗證,藉由驗證程序的進行,除了可增加本檢測系統之可信度,亦可改善平坦度檢測儀器績效不彰之問題。另外,目前以自行研發檢測車中,皆尚未通過中華民國實驗室認證體系(TAF)認可,雖有進行相關驗證程序,但尚屬研究開發階段,因此本研究希望藉由多項驗證程序,搭配國外相關規範,初步研擬TAF認證程序相關文件及操作手冊等,冀望可使本自行研發檢測車通過認證許可。 Pavement roughness reacts on profile which clearly describes the roughness; the pavement roughness is one of the important indicators for the passengers in public, for this reason, we suggestion the transportation institute of the government to pay attention to the pavement roughness. The IRI (International Roughness Index, IRI) is the most broadly used index. However, no matter what index is calculated from a longitudinal profile, the quality of the information is only as good as the profile measurement. Monitoring pavement roughness with profile measurements involves several interdependent variables that fall into five categories: the equipment design, the pavement shape, the measurement environment, the manner in which the equipment is operated, and the driver and operator proficiency. Current standards appear to address the equipment design, but not the other variables. As a result, these standards need to be reconsidered. Comparing to the other country, the correlative certification organizations in land establish the standards and a set of verification process, not yet. This article definitely considers some important standers, for instance AASHTO (Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO) and ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials Standards, ASTM). This study proposal builds a procedure for profiler.