現行之鋼結構建築主要採用抗彎構架系統來設計,該系統具有極佳的系統韌性容量,然因其側向勁度較低,在承受地震載重時會產生較大的側向變形,就功能設計考量而言,過大之位移將限制其應用性,為減低結構變形,工程上常以加大梁柱桿件尺寸因應之,此法不僅增加上部結構之建造費用,亦因自重之增加,增大基礎設計之需求,減低工程設計之經濟效益。本研究以具有良好承載效能之斜撐桿件加於鋼結構梁柱角隅處,針對此隅撐鋼結構在反覆載重下之承載效能,進行探討,並由此結構之承載特性,研擬可行之細部改善設計,本研究中以切削鋼板置於梁與隅撐交界處,藉由此消能機制改善隅撐鋼結構之承載效能,詴驗結果顯示,應用此消能機制隅撐鋼結構之強度及消能能力均有大幅提昇。本研究中亦應用有限元素分析評估構架受反覆載重之變形及受力情形, 藉由詴驗資訊及分析結果推求合理之簡化分析模式,以供設計分析參考。 This study focused on the experimental evaluation and FEM analysis of the seismic performance of steel knee braced frame structures with energy dissipation mechanism. A series of cyclic loading tests were conducted on the steel special moment resisting frame and the proposed knee braced frames. Test results validated that the demand in the beam-column connection design was alleviated by the proposed design method. Test results also showed that the strength and stiffness of the proposed design were effectively enhanced. Comparisons in energy dissipation between the steel special moment resisting frame and the knee braced moment resisting frames further justified the applicability of the proposed method. Finally, a simplified finite element model was proposed for the evaluation of the performance of the structurts.