台灣地區路面在修補完後驗收的階段大多以平坦度來作為驗收的標準,而檢測平坦度的儀器有許多種,從純物理性的檢測到透過電腦擷取計算的檢測,檢測時間的多與寡,都各有其優點,於民國九十三年研發的智慧型鋪面檢測車便是經由電腦擷取、運算的檢測設備,其優點為速度快、節省人力及作業時間。發展至今,國內許多單位也都研發出自己的檢測車,但國內針對平坦度檢測僅有一規範,且尚無驗證機構能針對平坦度檢測車作認證。對於各單位檢測車的正確性,無法做進一步確認,品質有待商榷。本研究將對於檢測程序與驗證作業的標準化進行研究,期使國內各種慣性式平坦度檢測儀器能依據此程序做比對與驗證,達到驗證系統標準化目的。 In Taiwan we usually use the Standard of Roughness to check and accept roads which are maintained. The apparatus to adopt has a variety of kinds, from pure mechanical ways to getting data through computers, or by the time-period of examining, and all of these ways have its own advantages. The Intelligent Vehicle for Pavement Survey, invented and developed in 2004, adopts the way of inspecting and getting data through computers. The advantages coming from this are not only with efficiency but also saving time and manpower. Until now, many domestic units have also invented and developed their own Intelligent Vehicles for Pavement Survey. However, there is only one standard to check and accept the Pavement of Roughness ,and still no such affiliated certification organizations internal to establish the standards and a set of verification process to evaluate. For this reason, we can not confirm the accuracy of Intelligent Vehicles for Pavement Survey which are invented and developed by other research units, and the quality needs to be deliberated further. This study proposal is about to discuss the procedures of examining, checking, and accepting the Standard of Pavement Roughness, hoping that all apparatus can refer to these standards as an index in order to standardize the examining system.