在許多交通工程專案施工前,交通官員必須取得交通建設所需土地的所有權,以便讓承包商可合法地佔有土地進行施工,與讓完成後的道路等交通設施為一般民眾可使用。因路權土地一般為私人地主所擁有,以地主的角度而言,土地並非只是一種財產,地主常因情感上的因素不願意讓出土地給政府,因此地主一旦不願讓土地被徵收,將採取激烈的抗爭手段,則交通單位之路權取得流程將耗時甚久,充滿不確定的變數。國內曾有交通計畫共耗時12年之久,國外顯示一高速公路專案常須三到八年時間來計畫土地取得範圍、與地主溝通、到最後實際取得土地。其次,導致路權取得流程時程延滯的因素為金錢,由於徵收土地之時,有時會發生徵收土地之已公告的補償金額與實際補償金額差異很大,如:國內某交通計畫於計畫核定後與實際執行後所補償的金額前後相差65.54億。 國內文獻指出在無完善資訊系統的協助下,交通工程之路權取得流程,由於以上總總因素,常無法準時完成,即便路權取得流程如此重要,大部分交通單位目前並無完善的資訊模型與系統,協助路權取得流程之改善,造成諸多時程延遲等問題。本研究旨在設計資料探勘決策工具,並比較國內與美國德州資料且納入19項變數及1項目標屬性,分析最高之徵收率為99.93%,分析最低之徵收率為0.5%,各項專案屬性之變動亦皆會影響其徵收率;本研究之貢獻有可了解影響延滯路權用地取得之因素,影響因素與徵收方式的互動以及決策輔助工具確實可幫助路權取得流程加速化之。 A transportation agency needs to acquire the proposed right-of-way (ROW) parcels, which are usually possessed by different private land owners, before commencing the construction phase of a transportation project. The ROW acquisition process is time-consuming and fraught with risk and uncertainty. In Taiwan, a transportation project usually takes 12 years. In abroad, a transportation agency may spend 3-8 years planning the ROW acquisition scope, negotiating with land owners, and finally obtaining all of the required ROW parcels. Past research has indicated that ROW acquisition has become one of the root causes of delay in a transportation project. The goal of the research is to design a decision support tool managing the ROW acquisition process efficiently and effectively for a transportation agency, and to reduce the condemnation rate. Comparing ROW data of Taiwan with the data from U.S., and 19 factors have been identified. The highest condemnation rate is 99.93%, whilst the lowest rate is 0.5%. Finally, the research's contributions can help better understand these factors’ influence on the ROW decision making, and the tool can help accelerate the ROW acquisition process.