關鍵基礎設施為國家重要的資產,用以連續地產生或輸送重要貨物或服務,例如交通設施、電力設施等。大部分關鍵基礎設施彼此是相依的,關鍵基礎設施的某元件,與關鍵基礎設施的某元件之間,可能有某種相依性,當其中之一發生損害,另一個可能造成破壞或是產生連鎖效應等。如供水系統需靠電力設施運作,當電力設施損毀時供水也將受影響,此互動關係將建立跨越系統的複雜性。研究顯示完整與正確的關鍵基礎設施與其相依性資料對於建立災害管理系統來說非常重要。要改善目前的救災策略成效,關鍵基礎設施相依性資料是必要的。 本研究收集台北市各地區各類關鍵基礎設施的損壞紀錄,過濾出只與外部因素或是關鍵基礎設施相依性造成的損害紀錄,接著進行序列資料的探勘,瞭解時常發生的不同關鍵基礎設施之序列式破壞為何,並使用Weka軟體找出各地區各類關鍵基礎設施服務水準下降對於其他關鍵基礎設施間的影響,並引入防火牆的概念設計新的程式,找出維持重要基礎設施順利運作的其他項基礎設施,以確保重要基礎設施安全,最後並對此研究撰寫結論與建議。 Critical infrastructures are important national assets for producing or distributing continuous flows of essential goods or services. When one critical infrastructure shuts down due to an external disruption, it can be expected that other critical infrastructures that need goods or services provided by the discontinued one will stop shortly, exacerbating the damage caused by the external disruption. Past research has categorized critical infrastructure interdependency (CII) into four relationship types and has proposed several methods to model CII and its effects. This paper presents a knowledge discovery process for CII that can be used to extract frequent patterns of critical infrastructure failure records directly or indirectly triggered by external disruptions. The knowledge discovery process, including integration of critical infrastructure failure records and transformation into the data format needed by the data mining algorithm, is described. Discussion of a disaster mitigation approach to stopping CII-related possible future failure events is addressed, followed by the analysis results of sample critical infrastructure failure records. Disaster mitigation officials can employ the proposed approach to explore CII and to design countermeasures when a disaster hits certain areas.