摘要: | 國軍實行精實案及二代兵力建構後,為利戰術運用及戰力發揮,將進行營區整建及建造各項武器基地,其間,工程人員大量裁減,人員異動頻繁,實無法滿足龐大工程推行之需求;PCM制度係因應近年來工程或其他採購日益龐大、複雜,為克服業主技術、人力、能力之不足而設立之制度,不失為一合理可行而能有效解決問題的方式。然而,在國內PCM之施行雖有案例,但仍欠缺實務上之考驗,其中尤以預算及品質全交由PCM執行,是否可行,或如何使其可行,並對業主有實質意義,仍待研究。 本研究係以國軍工程業主立場,探討軍事工程目前的困境,其中包括人力資源、行政及採購機制上的問題,並探討軍事工程中對於預算執行影響最鉅的項目:價值工程研析、大宗建材採購策略、變更設計、估驗計價及驗收管理等事項。為使國軍工程主辦單位委託PCM執行營建管理時,對於上述重點項目之核心課題,能夠有效要求PCM確實執行,遂研擬了完整之控管重點要項予以逐條明列,便於援引使用;同時論述管控手段包括加速、減速、控制、停止、終止及解除等機制,其運用之目的係將甲乙雙方之權利、義務、公平合理措施,融入契約內容,以契約條文明確傳達彼此之意思,使契約具體、完備,達到預算控管之目的,創造雙贏局面。 After implementing a policy force refinement and reduction, great needs are conceived to facilities construction in the military. In recent years, the swift increase of construction procurement and the shortage of managerial workforce have complicated military construction considerable. Professional Construction Management (PCM) is gradually introduced to military construction as an alternative to meet the needs. PCM has received great attention as it has high potential to overcome the inefficiencies in traditional fragmented procurement methods, the shortfall of skilled human resource in the military and the lack of engineering discipline of the military as a client. Although there are cases of PCM implementation, whether PCM is generally feasible still remain to be proved by more practical results. This work believes the answer also hinges upon how PCM is implemented under the framework of contract management in field practice. The idea of this work is that if detailed requirements of PCM can be delineated in a service contract, it is more likely than not that the PCM consultant will function as expected. Experience, although limited, has shown the opposite that the deficiency of such requirements would result in a vague content of service, subject to voluntary interpretation. This work, which is scoped solely for the military construction, is to explore how many dilemmas in military construction, including the problems of human resources, administration and purchasing system, can be resolved through the design a PCM service contract. Five aspects of project management are studies, including value engineering, material procurement strategy, changes of design, construction audits and completion and commissioning. For each of these aspects, managerial mechanisms to accelerate, decelerate, control, cease or disengage the PCM function are envisioned and presented. The outcome of this work is a detailed listing of the rights and obligations of two parties in a PCM contract, which form the content of the agreement. Obviously, the agreement will convey for two parties precisely, making the goal of introducing PCM more attainable. With the concrete and complete agreement, it is expected that a win-win situation can be reached between the client and the PCM consultant. |