行政院公共工程委員會為提升國內公共工程施工品質,於中華民國九十二年三月十八日修訂之公共工程施工品質管理作業要點第三點第四項規定:「前項材料及施工檢驗程序,應就鋼筋、混凝土、瀝青混凝土及其他適當檢驗項目明訂由廠商會同監造單位取樣,並由政府機關、大專院校設置之實驗室辦理或由中華民國實驗室認證體系認可實驗室辦理,並由該實驗室出具認可標誌之檢驗報告」。 中華民國實驗室認證體系於中華民國九十二年元月十七日頒佈營建工程測試領域認證特定規範,各依其歷史背景及組織架構而有不一之方式與水準,是否符合中國國家標準CNS17025(測試與校正實驗室能力一般要求)標準要求,故選定具代表性辦理「鋼筋性試驗」與「混凝土圓柱試體抗壓試驗」之政府機關、大專院校設置之實驗室及中華民國實驗室認證體系認可之實驗室與土木技師、顧問公司設置之實驗室為訪查對象,做為台灣地區營建工程材料實驗室特性分析及發展之研究。 In order to improve the quality of domestic public constructions, the Public Construction Commission of Executive Yuan amended the “Administrative Institution Public Construction Quality Management” in March, 2003. It is mentioned that the acceptance procedures of aforementioned materials and construction should be aimed at the suitable test items including rebar, concrete, and asphalt concrete, etc. And it is clearly specified the contractors have to sample the test specimens together with the construction supervisors. Besides, the relative certification procedures should be performed in the college laboratories, the government laboratories, or the CNLA accredited laboratories. And the test reports should be submitted with acceptance signs by these laboratories. The Chinese National Laboratory Accreditation (CNLA) enacted the “Specific Criteria for the certification of Construction Engineering Testing Field (CNLA-RL01)”in January, 2003. There are different ways and standards in the laboratories according to their historical backgrounds and organizational structures. In order to verify whether these laboratories can pass the standard of CNS 17025, this research asking the laboratories which transact rebar test and compressive strength test of cylindrical concrete specimen, including the college laboratories, the government laboratories, the CNLA accredited laboratories, the laboratories set up by professional civil engineers or the laboratories set up by engineering consultant companies. The collected data are analyzed for investigating the properties and developments of internal construction engineering materials testing laboratories.