中文摘要 台灣地窄人稠土地資源有限,由於人口數量不斷增加以及生活品質之需求,山坡地社區和遊樂區被陸續開發,內政部乃依建築法第九十七條之一規定於民國七十二年七月七日發佈「山坡地開發建築管理辦法」。該辦法第五條已訂有山坡地不得開發建築之條件,其認定標準,由內政部於建築技術規則中定之。民國86年8月18日林肯大郡順向坡崩塌災難,給國內的山坡地開發者、學術界及政府單位帶來相當深刻的震撼,促成 「建築技術規則」中建築設計施工篇之第十三章「山坡地建築專章」於民國87年1月1日發佈實施。雖然山坡地建築專章頒佈迄今已經歷六次修訂,然而仍有部分專有名詞使用不當,有待改進與修訂。 法規定義是否明確、恰當,將影響一般民眾對大地工程專業技師於執行專業工作時的認知,甚且影響法律判決,故對建築技術規則第十三章山坡地專章第261條名詞定義,以大地工程角度提出不同看法,例如「平均坡度、順向坡、自由端、岩石品質指標、活動斷層、工程壓密、有效應力深度」等名詞提出條文修正建議;另對第262條及第264條建築物退縮距離條文提出疑義。期望藉此拋磚引玉,讓行政、學術及工程界能重視繼續釐清有疑議之條文。 The preservation and utilization of slopeland resources in Taiwan has become an important issue because of the expending population and the need for recreational or inhabited area. The Ministry of the Interior enacted and promulgated the “Slopeland utilization regulations” on July 7th, 1983 under the supervision of article 97-1 in Building code. In the regulations the criteria for utilization of slopeland had been defined with the Construction technical regulations. With the dip slope failure in Si-jhih on Aug. 18, 1997 drawing the attention for the stability and preservation of slope, the special act for slopeland construction had been legislated as chapter 13 of construction and design section of the Construction technical regulations on Jan.1st, 1998. Although the special act had been revised for six times, some terms and definitions are still improperly stated. The properly and strictly definition in regulations affects the general public consideration for geotechnical technician executions and the results of trial fairs. In this article, the terms of definition of “average slope”, “dip slope”, “free end”, “Rock quality designation”, “active fault”, “engineering consolidation”, and “ depth of effective stress” that exist in the No.261 of special act chapter 13 had been investigated from the viewpoint of geotechnics. The additional suggestion for withdraw spacing of buildings in No. 262 and No.264 is also proposed.