台灣近卅年來經濟快速的成長,以及近年來整體產業結構變動促成資訊服務業的急速擴增,直接反應於運輸市場上的,就是當前西部走廊中長途客運系統擁擠不堪。高速鐵路以用地最少、能源最省、污染最低、運量最大,是解決運輸困境且創造未來榮景的最佳方案,在國家現代化及企業化之時代, 及國家邁向成為亞太地區之運籌管理中心,政府與民間企業應適當分工為大勢所趨。 高速鐵路為民間參與公共工程建設之典範,惟此等工程在設計階段的品質良窳,對後續施工、運轉之影響甚大。因此,瞭解缺失問題特性及源流管理之觀念,對於設計品質做好事前的預防管理措施,則成為重要課題。另一方面,工程規模趨於龐大且複雜,工程特色皆朝向以系統整合為主,故同一設計方案有各種設計介面需予以整合,以避免因修改或變更而影響設計成果之一致性。基於上述理由,實有需建立更有效之設計品質管理運作模式,以因應之。 本研究藉由台灣高鐵工程現行設計品質管理制度與設計品質質缺失問題檢討分析,瞭解工程設計品質管理之疏漏所在,及其損失金額,研擬因應對策。以台灣高鐵車站標為例,藉由專家問卷調查及模糊理論分析之方法來擷取最適切之型態管理項目,以探討設計及施工品質之缺失,及模擬型態管理模式。本研究採用IS0 10007型態管理的主要內容與觀念,結合ISO 9001:2000品質管理系統要求之相關規定,研擬出以過程為導向的工程設計品質管理機制架構。此一架構之建立與推展,可有效地確保工程設計品質之提昇與落實,並滿足設計資訊回饋與設計變更原因追溯性之需求。 The rapid economic development in Taiwan during the past thirty-some years and the evolution of macro industrial structure to the increasingly information and service oriented business arena prompt the greater needs in mobilizing the resources and goods at a faster speed with lesser congestion. This has the direct impact on nation’s transportation system, especially on the westerly corridor in which the mid and long range passenger transportation system has become overly congested. The High Speed Rail System, which provides the less land use, energy saving, minimum pollution, and the greatest capacity is an optimal alternative to the current transportation dilemma and in turn will generate the future development around the region. As our nation’s transformation to modernization and business era and promotion to become the Asia Pacific Regional Operations Center (APROC), it is a trend and essential that the government and private enterprise to build a business partnership in tackling the issues. The High Speed Rail project, which is privately financed using of Build-Operation-Transfer (BOT) methodology, is a typical protocol for the private business involvement in public works project. The design quality of such project implementation practice has the determinant effects on the subsequent construction and operation phases. On the one hand, it is essential to understand the characteristics of faults in design quality and to utilize the upstream management concept. As a result, the preventative management measures could be made before they actually occur during the project design phase. On the other hand, the project size and complexity has been multi-folded comparing to the conventional projects. This necessitates the application of system integration. The project manager often needs to perform coordination and integration between various design interfaces to preserve the design work consistency due to the amendments and alterations occurred during the project phases. It is inevitable to build a more effective design management model in facilitating the project management. This study seeks to identify the causes and magnitude of quality problems in the design and construction and to determine the costs associated with the quality problems. Taking High Speed Rail station projects as an example to examine the current design quality management system and in turn to simulate configuration management system. Expert questionnaire and fuzzy set theory are utilized in selecting configuration items. Suggestions and recommendations are proposed as countermeasures to design quality problems. The procedures presented herein are derived from the concepts of configuration management from ISO 10007 in combination with Quality Management System requirements from ISO 9001:2000. By applying the proposed procedures a process oriented design management system structure can therefore be constructed. It is our sincere hope that the implementation of such system structure can promote and assure the design quality of the future projects. And at the same time satisfy the requirements of feedback for design information and traceability for the causes of design changes.