「國防部軍備局工程營產中心」為國軍專責工程單位,一直以來均肩負著軍事工程執行之任務。自民國88年國軍「精實案」推動以來,因應人員精減、組織合併及任務加重等重大之變革,並配合「政府採購法」之開始實施,開始推動「統包工程」之執行。然因經驗不足、作業程序不完善等因素,使得統包工程之推動,並非十分順利,並造成決策長官錯誤印象,一度暫停此一執行方式。 本研究以「國防部軍備局工程營產中心」實際執行統包工程之案例,探討軍事統包工程執行所遭遇之問題原因,並提出解決方案,並分析軍事統包工程執行效益,以評估以統包方式推動軍事工程之可行性。另依本研究之分析,統包工程發生問題之原因多在於發包前之作業階段,本研究因而研擬軍事統包工程發包作業流程,將各階段作業應辦及注意事項,予以明確律定,期使後續軍事統包工程之推動,得以更有效益及順利。 「Construction and Real Estate Service Center」 is a special agency responsible for military construction. The Center has executed many military construction projects for the past years. Carrying out the「organization-slim program」in 1999, the military began to reform its organization structure and to reduce personnel. Heavy working loads were not unusual since then. When turnkey style projects were executed, a set of procurement procedures were established to comply with the「Government Procurement Law」. However, such turkey projects were not quite successful owing to lacking of experience of the personnel and the incomplete procurement procedures. As a consequence, wrongful impressions were put on military policymakers who stopped turkey type programs temporarily. This study explores the reasons why problems were encountered in the previous military turnkey projects and proposes feasible solutions. Moreover, benefits of turnkey are also analyzed to reevaluate turkey feasibility in the military construction. According to results of this study, most of the problems encountered in the turnkey projects were originated at the procurement phase. Therefore, this study establishes a set of standard procurement procedures for military turnkey projects to clearly regulate the matters needing attention at that phase. The procedures are expected to substantially improve the results of military turkey construction projects in the future.