近年來於國內地下管線之佈設,多位於都會區人口密集處,為避免都會區施工造成鄰近施工位址周邊民眾生活品質受影響,地下管線之施工已大致朝向免開挖工法之大方向邁進。而免開挖工法之施工方式又以地下推進作業為主軸,但至今對於推進過程中推進阻力之探討於實務上仍尚未與理論分析結合,故相關管線設計長度及推進機組之選擇仍多憑施工人員之經驗為之。 為能於設計初期即由掌握之地質條件,迅速快捷且便利的即時概估出施工時所將產生之推進阻力,以及選定推進機組效能,並據以評估推算可推進之最大距離,為本篇論文之要旨。 文中建立出地中推進之受力模型,並配合地質條件參數,實務推進施工之記錄資料,迴歸並分析出動摩擦係數之律訂值;並藉由地中推進過程之接觸應力,概括勾勒出各類不同地質條件下,應搭配使用分析之動摩擦係數值;同時建立起不同地質之推力預測方程式,可供日後設計者藉由推力方程之預測,獲得可安全推進之最大距離。 In recent years, the worksite of deploying the underground plumbing system tends to be located in the urban densely-populated area, which is extremely vulnerable to the negative side-effect from the construction process. In order to keep the negative impact on the living quality of nearby residents to the minimum, the no-dig method (免開挖工法)instead of the open and cut method (開挖工法), is much more often adopted.However, the issue of friction generated in this construction process has not yet been analyzed theoretically; and for this specific reason, instead of following a reliable evaluation system based on the theoretical framework, the length of the pipes and the selection of the capacity of the digging equipments are determined mostly by the empirical experience. To fill the theoretical gap in this field, the present thesis aims to propose a formula for the calculation of the friction generated in the construction process, and the dynamic friction value in accordance with the geological condition, in order to determine the selected digging equipments’performance and the possible maximum length for the pipes to be deployed.