由於國內重大公共工程在規模、性質內容、施工要求、專案技術管理及投資金額各方面日趨複雜龐大、加上施工工期較以往更為緊迫,使營建工程管理更顯困難。尤其近來政府積極推動精簡人事政策,主辦機關在面對工程業務遞增、工程日益龐雜及工程專案管理技術能力不足等壓力下,亟需善用民間專業資源,未來委託民間專業之工程顧問業者執行專案管理工作遂成為必然之趨勢。因此,專案管理業者要如何做好專案工程管理工作,為一值得探討之重要課題。 為使施工管理工作能順利圓滿達成主管機關委託之任務,本研究擬建構作業標準程序參考範本供專案管理者使用。研究採用歸納法,以專案管理廠商之立場,經由整理學術專家、論文文獻、專題研究報告、政府相關機關工進檢討報告及工程實例訪談等資料,探討公共工程在施工履約階段專案管理執行問題點及改善因應作為,並提供回饋可行性建議,以及建構主要影響工進之部分標準化作業程序範例,提供專案管理者使用之參考。 研究成果如下: 一、 提供專案管理廠商在施工階段執行專案管理之作為。 二、 提供施工履約階段回饋管理機制之建議。 三、 建構工程進度管理及工程變更設計標準作業程序範本供業界援用。 The scale, content, construction requirement, technical management and investment of major public construction works in Taiwan are getting more and more complex. And the construction schedules are more critical than ever. The construction project management in Taiwan has become more difficult. Specifically, the government actively proposed condensed personnel policy in recent years, resulting in the urgent need of professional resources from the private sector to assist in the project management area. Therefore, it will be an inevitable trend for the public sector to delegate the consultant firm to execute the project management works. Therefore, how to improve project management for the consultant firms is an important issue to be deeply investigated. In order to successfully achieve the construction management, this study provided an example of standard operating procedure for construction project managers. An induction approach summarizing academic research, literature review, evaluate reports of government organization, and case interview, was employed from the viewpoint of project managers to analyze the executing problems and coping strategies in the construction contract-implement stage. The feasible suggestions for feedback and the partial standard operating procedure example influencing construction gradation were provided for the use of project managers.