營建工程成本研究乃營建工程之重要課題,以往之研究,一般針對工程直接施工成本探討著墨較多,對工程管理人資成本常以一定比例方式計算,而比例之多寡又依各公司之經驗值概略判斷決定之,未有量化數據可供參考,而營造廠於投標階段如何準確估計管理人資成本,亦為決定標價與預估人力調度之重要參考。故本研究以『營造工地管理人資量化與預測』為主題,祈能將研究結果供業界參考。 本研究以蒐集業界實際案例,經分類整理、歸納分析,應用統計學迴歸分析技術,探討工地管理人資成本與產值,並建構預測模式,並以實例檢驗與驗證,確認預測模式之可行性。利用預測模式,可以快速準確預估工地管理人資成本,而成本之探討亦可作為工地績效考核與人力調度之參考。 Construction cost is one of most important issues discussed repeatedly in the construction industry. Many studies have pointed out methods utilized to reach optimal cost control for decades; however, quantifying the managerial personnel costs of the field office overhead to effectively manage budgets in Taiwan is usually based on experienced and educational guesstimates. An erroneous estimate of the cost offsets the profit gained from the project or damages management processes of the project. This research conducted a quantifying model founded on laborious processes of data collections and analyses, including 78 construction projects in recent 16 years classified into residential buildings, industrial office buildings, commercial buildings and industrial construction. The model provides a simple mathematical equation for contractors to easily quantify managerial personnel costs of field office overhead while undertaking estimates for construction projects before bidding the projects. The results concluded that it is predictable to perform human recourse allocation with reasonable costs of managerial manpower in a construction project.