國內營建工程競爭態勢明顯,尤其是公共工程,若無法加強工程管理,改進施工技術,降低成本結構,對未來營造業發展非常不利,而如何降低成本,創造利潤,提昇競爭能力,營造業價值工程之重要性即被凸顯出來,業主及承商主動推動價值工程或替代方案以改善施工成本結構,已然成為業界趨勢。 國內重大公共工程中,鐵路地下化為相當重要之交通建設工程,對國家整體發展影響至為深遠,目前國內鐵路地下化工程皆以明挖覆蓋深開挖擋土工法施築地下隧道,此工法之施工成本佔總工程金額約35%,且基本上明挖覆蓋工法施工過程,無法創造工程完成後之利益,故考慮在相同計畫機能及安全施工範圍內,可以價值工程研析技術盡量節省成本。 本研究以承包商觀點,用已決標完成發包之在建工程個案為例,探討台北鐵路地下化明挖覆蓋隧道施工過程,應用業經證實有效並可降低成本之價值工程研析技術,就價值工程組織運作架構,各階段研析時程,研析作業流程等技術方法,尋求替代方案,以減少鐵路地下化明挖覆蓋隧道工法中不必要成本。本研究案例經實際驗證,在土建工程直接工程費約26.5億之個案中,節省成本約5仟200萬元,若以價值工程研析費用比較,益本比約44倍,效果良好。 The lack of infrastructure demand has triggered intensive competition in bidding infrastructure projects. In the basis of low bid, how to outbid the competitors becomes significant. The objectives of this research are to apply value engineering to an infrastructure project in the viewpoint of contractor, and to conduct a case study of an underground railroad project to evaluate the phases and steps established in this paper. The findings by the case study support that five phases with the total steps of 18 make $52.09 million dollars savings out of $2.65 billion dollars of construction fee where penalty of delay due to the use of the contracted construction method is considered; and that B/C ratio of costs of initiating value engineering to the savings reaches 44 times. The use of value engineering creates the extra profit margin contribution to the contractor is significant.