軍事工程之良窳,除有賴於周密之規劃設計外,成敗關鍵在於「施工品質」,施工品質則繫於監造工作是否落實,因此監造作業應該從「制度化」、「標準化」、「明確化」建立做起,減少或降低施工作業中之疏失,提昇軍事工程品質、圓滿達成軍事工程構建任務【41】。 然而由於營建工程的專業性與特殊性,使得工程專業人員的知識與經驗大多只能累積在每個人的腦海中,因而無法有系統的被記錄下來;工程相關的資訊亦隨著建物規劃階段開始,歷經設計、招標、發包、施工(興建期)、營運與維護各個階段,不同團隊的加入,不管在數量與種類都隨之增加;近年來資訊科技(Information Technology)與網際網路(Internet)的快速發展,使其具有快速處理大量資料及跨地理性等優點,如何藉由資訊科技與網際網路來使工程成本、品質、服務與速度獲得重大之改善。 因此本研究目的在於建構專案工程監造作業的資料庫系統,並以軍事工程為例作為系統的測試與驗證。期能藉由資訊科技的幫助,提升管理作業流程之效率,進而達成運作成本之降低、提高資訊之正確性、縮短之資料存取時間及改善決策的進度和結果等效益。並希望透過本研究之模式,提供國內軍事單位導入資訊科技進行資料庫系統管理時之參考依循。 The most important thing of military construction is control and supervision certainty, and the key to success depends on considered design. Constructional control and supervision should be institutionalized、standardized and clarified to increase the quality and achieve strategically object. Owing to the characteristics of construction project, it can’t be record systematically that the engineer’s knowledge and experience accumulated in their mind mostly. There are many amounts and variety of construction information will accompany different teams and stages of construction project. Recently, information technology and internet develops quickly enough to deal with large information speedily in different places at the same time. Besides, management of cost、quality、schedule can be improved dramatically. The purpose of the thesis is to establish data base of constructional control and supervision. The sample of military construction will be tested and proofed by the system. Whit the aids of information technology, it can raise management process efficiently、decrease the cost of operation、promote correctly information、shorten access time and modify decision effectively during constructing. Through the results of this research, we hope it can provide internal military organization to go a further step for military construction management system development.