Abstract: | 根據研究指出,2007年全球有近2億人受天災影響,較2006年的1億3500萬人大幅增加;而經濟損失達625億美元,超越2006年的340億美元(約台幣1兆1千億元)。但幸運的是,死亡總數1萬6517人是低於2006年的2萬1342人,而在這數據中,值得注意的是2007年全球死亡人數最高的前10大天災有8起正是發生在亞洲,以日本新潟縣的芮氏規模6.8強震,造成125億美元(約台幣4045億元)損失最為慘重。由此可見,建立一個完整的重大災害防救體系顯得相當重要。 通常災害發生後,根據學術界、政府與民間的檢討發現,災害防救體系中的心臟組織:災害應變中心(Emergency Operation Center,EOC),無法發揮領導統御、靈活機動的功能將是整個防救災體系無法順利運作的主要原因。 而臺北市政府為了有效降低災害帶來的影響,亦致力建構完善災害防救體系及推動指揮系統區域化,更於2007年2月12日頒布「臺北市各級災害應變中心作業要點」,內容已詳細考量災害應變中心的建立與運作上,有效的與災害事故指揮體系(Incident Command System,ICS)進行互動,減少相關問題的發生,並建立一互動機制與模式化的架構及標準化的處理原則,以提昇防救災效能。 有鑑於災害應變中心的重要性,乃特別選擇以ICS精神編組建制臺北市EOC這個題目進行研究,希望透過舊有相關數據跟現行新制做比較探討,期盼能夠找出相關缺點及問題所在,檢討其運作方式,提供政策建議,以強化救災組織,發揮功能。 According to 2007 statistic data, it reports the number of affected people by natural disasters is close to 0.2 billion with an obvious increase than 2006, 0.135 billion. Direct economic loss, in 2007, reached $62.5 billion USD exceeding $34 billion USD a year ago. Fortunately, the death toll of 2007 is 15,517 lower than 21,342 in 2006. Among disaster events, eight of 10 most severe events were in Asia and Niigata Earthquake in Japan with 6.8-magnitude claimed the damages over $12.5 billion USD. As consequence, it is a demanding requirement to build up a comprehensive system for disaster reduction and emergency response. After a major disaster happening, the core organization of emergency response will fall on Emergency Operation Center, EOC, which dominates leadership, mobility, functionality and operation of emergency relief and rescue. From the review of research reports and practical case studies, all results emphasize on the importance of EOC. For establishing competent mechanism of emergency response and decentralizing commanding system to reduce impacts from disaster in Taipei Metropolitan Area, the city government issued “Operation Guidelines of Emergency Operation Center in Taipei City “on Feb. 12, 2007, which well defines the operation procedures related to collaboration and standard operation process among agencies in EOC. Furthermore, with the introduction of Incident Command System, ICS, the Taipei City shows its ambition to improve operation efficiency in EOC. Focal point of the study is designed to explore the problems and solutions of ICS introduction for identify where should be modified and enhanced. By the comparison of new and old commanding systems in the EOC of Taipei City, suggestions and comments are proposed through case studies of emergency operation of typhoon and earthquake. |