邇來經濟快速發展,生活水準的提高,民眾對於道路功能亦提昇至便利、舒適的需求,但由於管線單位因民生需求進行管線埋設、維修、遷移等工程,進行挖掘鋪設管線設施,因未遵循規範確實進行回填作業,壓密度無法達成規範規定,形成回填不實道路下陷,或管線孔蓋埋設不當,造成路面凹凸不平,降低道路原設計之服務水準影響用路人權益,更造成民眾生活不便。 本研究透過道路挖掘法令分析、檢討桃園縣境內管線挖掘的缺 失、道路挖掘管理規定及管線挖掘管理系統執行現況,對道路挖掘的管理提出建議,並採用數學規劃方式建構道路挖掘工期最短的最佳化排程,提供政府機關及類似限制條件的營造業或製造業作為工作規劃之參考。 With the booming of economy and the advance of people’s daily life,the functions of the roadway must also be promoted to a higher level of convenience and comfort. Utility conduit construction, including Telecom, Electricity,etc,is the major pavement killer on the road, and also the one responsible for the lousy performance of the road. Routine civil work of utility companyincludesdeployment,maintenance and movement of conduit (and cable). All the jobs have to break the pavement, excavate the road foundation, lay down the conduit and recover the roadway site. Due to the traffic, the backfill compaction is seldom executed as required by standard. In that case,settlement along the route and the heave on the manhole coverlid are often to be observed. Bumping along the road implies lowering the service level, and in some case, may even cause the traffic accident.