Abstract: | 工程技術顧問之服務屬知識密集產業,以提供技術服務之方式經營,一般工程之設計成本雖較施工成本低甚多,然設計階段所執行之成果,卻對整體工程之影響最為深遠。對於建造費用動輒數十、甚至百億之龐大捷運工程而言,設計服務廠商所承攬之捷運工程細部設計標案執行及技術諮詢服務工作,更是影響捷運整體工程品質之重點項目。 本研究探討之主題,即針對承攬捷運工程細部設計標案之設計服務廠商,建立一有效之評鑑機制。本研究首先蒐集比較國內公部門工程機關之法令規定、契約要求、相關研究計畫成果等文獻,經專家訪談後,歸納整理出與績效評估最為相關之24項指標,進而運用平衡計分卡「顧客、財務、內部流程、創新與學習」四構面,以層級分析法之方式建立一績效評估架構。此評估架構中各項指標,經由專家問卷後所算出之權重中,以「數量計算」(16.9%)、「功能符合度」(13.0%)及「施工成本估算」(11.8%)等指標之權重較高。最後,本研究針對各項指標擬定評分之標準,並確立績效評估之程序,以完整建立此一績效評估機制。本研究以三項捷運工程細部設計標實務案例進行績效評估測試,其評估之結果均與廠商實際執行狀況相符,可驗證本研究成果之正確性。 本研究所建立之績效評估機制,可於設計階段評核設計顧問之設計服務績效,俾有效督管廠商,促使提昇設計品質,減少施工階段衍生不必要之變更設計及工程爭議,進而在品質、進度、成本兼顧情形下,順利完成各路線捷運工程建設。 Engineering consultation is a knowledge intensive industry. It operates by providing design-related technical services. The costs of design are much less than the construction costs in traditional projects. However, the decisions made in the design phase have a significant impact on the final products of the project, especially for mega public construction projects such as Mass Rapid Transit Systems (MRT). The goal of this research focuses on establishing a performance evaluation mechanism for the consulting firms that execute detailed design and provide technical services for the Taipei Rapid Transit System (TRTS). This study first established 24 indicators to evaluate these firms’ performance by reviewing technical papers, regulations, ordinances, contracts, and research reports; and also by interviewing experts. These 24 indicators were incorporated into the four aspects of balanced scorecard including customer, finance, internal processes, innovation and learning to establish the architecture of the evaluation mechanism. The weight of each indicator was calculated by analytic hierarchy process (AHP) from a survey conducted among experts. The results showed that the top-three indicators were quantity take-off, function conformity, and budgeting; whose weights were 16.9%, 13.0%, and 11.8%; respectively. This research also built up evaluation criteria for each of the 24 indicators. The evaluation procedure was also clearly defined to complete the performance evaluation mechanism. Three TRTS cases were tested by the evaluation method afterwards. Correspondence was found between the evaluation results and the performance of the sampled consulting firms. This shows the accuracy of the evaluation method and presents, objectively and explicitly, the performance of the consulting firms. The mechanism of performance evaluation that established by this study can be applied to measure service performance effectively during the design stage. It not only facilitates the monitoring of consulting firms, but also improves the quality of design and performance of their services. Moreover, the system can help to reduce unnecessary change orders and disputes during the construction stage. Furthermore, it helps to construct MRT in meeting standards of high quality, with accurate progress, and under reasonable costs. |