本研究以差動偵測技術結合表面電漿共振技術,開發出一種光強差動式的表面電漿共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR)偵測技術。本系統由實驗所得的對折射率解析度約為 10-5 RIU。本論文的實驗目的為偵測微小的折射率變化,以及驗證出系統的功能。在實驗上,可分辨出折射率相差0.0001 RIU折射率的不同濃度酒精溶液。本系統具有即時偵測、高靈敏度等優點,預計可應用於微小生物分子鍵結反應的檢測領域上。未來若能應用於生物分子陣列晶片上,將能達到大量平行篩檢的應用上,以求本系統對生醫檢測有所貢獻。 An optical differential detection technique for the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing is proposed. In our system, we combine a method of differential detection and SPR technique. The measurement sensitivity of refractive index is about 10-5 RIU (Refractive Index Unit). There are several advantages like immediate detection and high sensitivity in our system. This technique can be applied to the small biological molecule interaction. It is expected to combine the biological molecule on bio-chip array for massive parallel screens.