本論文依照業餘衛星通訊的原理,提出一個地面衛星站的架構並對整體系統以及系統內各項次模組做詳細的規格規劃,同時並依照所提出的規格完成衛星地面站的接收次系統硬體、發射次系統、天線定位控制次系統的硬體組裝,並完成基本的功能測試。 另一方面本論文描述了衛星通訊所需要具備的背景知識,以及分析在選擇欲進行通訊的衛星時所要注意的各項參數。 本論文對想要進行業餘衛星通訊或想學習無線電電台架設的入門者,觀看本論文可以建立整體的概念,並能具備選擇無線電元件規格的能力。 The main purpose in this paper is to plan a satellite base station system. By the standard of OSCAR (Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio), this paper designed, fabricated and tested the whole system and every sub-system in detail. The basic knowledge of satellite communication and how to pick the related parameter for chosen satellite are also come within the scope of this paper. For the audience who want to practice OSCAR, or to study setting up a radio station, this paper gives the complete concepts and ability in designing radio system.