本研究將工業界廣泛使用的圖案紋理雕刻技術應用於壓花板模的製造上,取代傳統化學蝕刻法,增進製造效率,以期符合市場變化的需求。皮革紋理特徵為紋路變化相當複雜,不容易以CAD模型繪出,因此,一般CAD/CAM系統無法處理皮革紋理的製作,本研究持續以往圖形雕刻的成果,一方面改進原來影像資料及3D點處理技術,另一方面著重於整個技術實用化之探討,發展電腦輔助皮革紋理雕刻系統。另外,進行各種實際範例的試作及技術改進,於實作中,分析各種紋路式樣之相似性,整理成不同類型,並根據各類型提出適當之影像處理技術和各種複製演算法的發展,以適合各種皮紋式樣之需求。 This work proposed a visual based system to engrave Pattern Mold. This way is more efficient than traditional methods. Pattern of Leather is very complicated and couldn’t use CAD/CAM system to design it. This work focused on the development of an integrated approach, by combining image processing, data clouds processing, CAD/CAM and virtual technology, for engraving the Mold with CNC engraving machine center. To solve the problems in the real cases we test several kinds of patterns and analyze the result.