摘要 連續流動式顆粒床過濾系統是廣泛利用的廢氣淨化裝置,為現今發展之高溫氣體淨化重要技術之一,而其中煙塵出入的管道大小與過濾的效率有直接的關係,因此進氣口葉片配置方式是此系統研發之瓶頸,無論是葉片傾斜的角度或間距等,皆會影響粒子於顆粒床內之流動,不佳之設計,將導致顆粒體堆積,大幅增加葉片半靜止區面積,使顆粒體流動受到阻塞。 本研究擬以一套二維過濾顆粒床模型為基礎,並搭配不同葉片間距及不同阻礙物半角配置方式,經由實驗結果分析,尋求顆粒濾材流動的最佳化設計,進而發展出一套三維模型過濾系統,並以此三維模型系統為主要測試系統。 除了可實際觀察三維模型系統之顆粒體流場外,並實際加入粉塵灰粒來測試流動式顆粒體流場對粉塵灰粒過濾效果的影響。 The moving granular bed used for filtration of incineration flue gas has been developed in Unite States, Japan and Europe in this decade. One of the key problem influencing the efficiency is the design of the louvers where the flue gas enters. When the granular particles move downwards through the vertical channel, they may stop between two louvers and form a stagnation zone. The dust is attached to the particles when the flue gas enters the filter. Therefore, the flue gas entrance may be blocked eventually and the filter efficiency would decrease remarkably. Putting inserts was proven to be a good solution to removing the stagnant zones. We used former experimental results to build a three-dimensional apparatus. A dust generator will be added in this project in order to do the cold model test. The cold test includes the filtration efficiency and the pressure drop of the dust gases. The circulation rate and the material and sizes of the filter granules are important factors. The cold test results should important information for designing the prototype of the moving granular bed filters. This project is the first subproject of the team project “High Temperature Flue Gas Cleanup Research and Development of Moving Granular Bed Filter Technology” organized by Professor Hsiau at National Central University. The purpose of this team project is to design and build up a prototype of the filtration system and can contribute it to the related industries.