本文在於探討一有限平板在存在多條邊裂紋時,裂紋間的交互作用。使用ANSYS有限元素分析軟體,建立有限元素分析模型,用於分析多條邊裂紋間的互相影響,及應力強度因子間的變化。當兩條邊裂紋存在時,較長的一條裂紋會成為主要裂紋,而另一條裂紋在一定的區域內將不會成長。本文中利用有限元素分析軟體,找出雙裂紋模式I及模式II的應力強度因子,利用Paris Law 的比較找出兩條裂紋單位時間的成長速率比,模擬兩條邊裂紋疲勞成長的情形。 In this thesis, the intensity factors , of multi edge-cracks are investigated by ANSYS. Once the is large than the the crack length growths. It is forward this existed a demarcation curve of the second crack below which this crack. However, as the second crack length beyond the demarcation curve both crack growth with different behavior the major crack starts with a smaller then accelerates the growth behavior to the simulation as the second crack length becomes under the demarcation curve at which the second crack stop its growing.