本研究主要是探討不同陽極處理參數對皮膜厚度、成份及CIEL*a*b值的影響。使用的材料為5052 H32合金,電解質為稀釋硫酸溶液,採固定電流密度法。利用薄膜測厚儀、電子微探儀(EPMA)、分光式測色計比較不同處理時間、不同電流密度、不同硫酸濃度及添加酒石酸鉀後皮膜的特性。 實驗結果發現隨著陽極皮膜厚度隨著處理時間越長、電流密度越高、硫酸濃度越低及添加酒石酸鉀有越來越厚的趨勢。皮膜的厚度與皮膜的淨生成率有關,當硫酸濃度越低、電流密度越高時,皮膜的生成速率高,溶解速率低,於是可得到較厚的氧化皮膜。添加酒石酸鉀將降低皮膜的臨界電流密度,使得皮膜的溶解速率降低,於是淨生成率提高,皮膜有較高的厚度。 利用EPMA分析皮膜斷面成份,發現皮膜內的成份有相當大的差異。這是由於外加電場及皮膜的結構影響,離子在皮膜內移動所造成的結果。皮膜屬於微結晶結構的γ-Al2O3,微結晶結構大小並不均勻,離子受到微結晶結構及陽極處理參數的影響,移動的速率有所差異,於是皮膜內的成份有極大的差異。 The purpose of this study is aimed at investigating effects of coating thickness, and composition on CIE L*a*b value by different anodizing condition. The alloy used in this experiment was 5050 H32 Aluminum alloy, and the electrolyte used was dilute sulfuric acid. All experiments conducted by using constant current density. Experimental variables studied including anodizing time, current density, concentration of sulfuric acid, and adding potassium tartaric in the dilute sulfuric acid. The coating thickness and the coating elements were measured by the coating thickness tester, electron probe X-ray microanalyzer(EPMA) and the spectrophotometer. Increasing the anodizing time, current density and decreasing the concentration of sulfuric acid, increase the thickness of anodic film. Adding the potassium tartaric increases the thickness of the anodic film, too. The compositions of the anodic film were influence by the migration of the ion and the microcrystalline structure in the anodic film.