摘要 本研究推導電子產品在溫度循環試驗中之退化方程式,並利用收集到的電子產品在不同溫度環境中之失效或性能退化資料進行迴歸分析,以瞭解溫度循環效應的數學模式。此外,利用田口實驗計畫法進行實驗及分析,以瞭解各參數對溫度循環試驗結果之影響程度。 在溫度循環數學模式方面,文中將進一步將把可靠度與各溫度循環參數結合在同一數學模式中,並把收集到的循環數-可靠度關係資料代入方程式,以求出循環數相關之係數值。得到PLCC IC循環數之參考係數-0.855,SMT銲點循環數之參考係數為-0.77。在溫度循環數學模式驗證方面,將修正型反冪次模式與修正型Hughes模式以本文實驗獲得之數據及收集到的資料驗證其準確性。在田口實驗計畫法方面,則是以瞭解電容及無線電話模組各溫度循環參數所提供之貢獻度為主。 This article investigates the effects of thermal cycling on the degradation of electronic products, such as components, small module and SMT welds. Three parameters including temperature range, heating rate and numbers of cycles are considered. From the results, the effect of normal thermal cycling condition on the components and small module is very small. The tensile strength of SMT welds decrease with increasing temperature range and heating rate. The relationship between tensile strength, temperature range, heating rate and numbers of cycles can be described by the modified inverse power law and modified Hughes equation for SMT welds.