本文研究開發新型扭力測量器,屬於應用較廣泛的傳動扭力式量測器,可量測靜止扭力和量測旋轉中雙向轉軸之扭力,並擁有預力彈簧機構、保護裝置以及使用現成精度高之應力感測元等特點。 在高精度與低成本的需求之下,本文利用基礎力學觀念為創作原理,透過圖面討論完成設計圖,再進行加工、製作新型扭力測量器之原型機,最後架設扭力測量系統,伺服馬達作為動力輸入、資料擷取卡擷取輸出訊號,透過測試實驗將擷取之資料作進一步分析,以評估扭力測量器靜態扭力與動態扭力之效能。 The research is to develop a new torque measuring apparatus that can measure both clockwise and counter clockwise loading on the fly. The creative apparatus has pre-load setting spring design, overload protection mechanism and the standard load cell. With the requirement of accuracy and low cost, the prototype is founded on basic dynamics, designed through drawing discussing, and manufactured by general processing factory. To set up a servo- motor as power input, A/D card and DSP card as signal output and an experiment is to further analyze and evaluate the efficiency of this apparatus.