隨著CNC工具機產業的蓬勃發展,CNC工具機的要求不只限於加工品質的提升,對加工速度的要求更是重視。插補器主要是能精確的送出運動軌跡命令,在近來微處理器計算能力越來越快的情況下,插補器所要處理的已經不只是精確的軌跡問題,而是具備有look ahead的即時加減速功能,使得整個加工過程運動平滑,來配合高等的控制理論做高精度的加工。 本論文以不同加減速的架構探討並模擬其與輪廓誤差的關係,其次在兩個連續Block的加減速規劃方面,我們發展出多種的混合速度曲線,不同的混合速度曲線可經由比較轉角誤差來看到效果。並發展出調整兩連續Block的加減速曲線以控制轉角誤差。最後針對一CNC伺服系統設計一套以輪廓誤差為基礎的look ahead即時插補器,由定義的最大容許誤差來規劃連續Block的速度曲線,希望在直線與圓弧的插補時能有最合理的加減速度曲線分佈。最後利用實驗來驗證方法具有可行性。 As CNC machine tools industry developed vigorously, not only CNC machine tools needed to promote working quality with regard to CNC machine tools, but also to pay much attention to working speed. The major function of the CNC interpolator is to send accurate motion commands to servo-controllers. Since the computational power of microprocessors has been significantly improved in recent years, today's CNC interpolators can provide accurate motion commands and the look-ahead function for real-time accelerating and decelerating motion along a trajectory. This improvement makes the machine motion smooth in combination with the advanced motion control algorithm for high accurate machining. This thesis starts with a review on different currently available architectures and algorithms of acceleration and deceleration interpolation. The emphasis is placed on analyzing the contour error caused by different types of acceleration and deceleration interpolation algorithms. Considering the planning of speed curves within every two consecutive blocks together, we also develop several kinds of blended feedrate curves. The performances of different blended curves are compared in the view of corner error. A corner error control strategy is also developed by adjusting the continuous acceleration and deceleration curve between two consecutive blocks. After the contour error analysis, a real-time interpolator method with the Look-Ahead function is proposed. The new blended feedrate method is based on the principle of minimizing a specified maximum contour error. Experimental studies have been performed to verify the feasibility of the algorithms.