隨著機械產業的高精密度趨勢,對於CNC 工具機之加工精密度的要求也越來越嚴格。本論文的目的即利用FPGA設計一可應用於CNC 工具機之精密位置控制IC。 在眾多影響工具機高精密度的因素中,摩擦力為最主要的因素。摩擦力是非常複雜的非線性現象,包括靜摩擦力、庫侖摩擦力及黏滯摩擦力。線性控制方法(如PID控制)並無法有效消除摩擦力的影響。為了要克服摩擦力造成的影響,本論文以適應性控制理論估測出摩擦力大小,並建立一摩擦力模型補償摩擦力。在位置控制方面,使用PD控制器及前饋控制器確保系統的強健性及消除系統的伺服落後。 精密位置控制IC包含位置控制電路、摩擦力補償電路、編碼器解碼與計數電路、序列式數位/類比轉換電路與RS-232介面電路,採模組化設計,利用全球通用且跨平台之VHDL 硬體描述語言設計。在IC 驗證方面,本文除了進行軟體模擬外,並實際在工具機台上進行實驗。 The demand of high precision and high accuracy becomes more and more important in modern mechanical systems, such as machine tools and microelectronics manufacturing equipment. The objective of this thesis is to present a high-precision position control IC based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for the computerized numeric control (CNC) machine tool. The most important factor that affects the high-precision position control is friction. Friction is a complex physical phenomenon and the linear control theory cannot be used to compensate it. In order to achieve high-precision position control, friction must be appropriately compensated for. The thesis presents an auto-tuning parameter of friction compensation based on the adaptive control. The position loop controller is PD controller and feedforward controller ensuring robust and promote the tracking performance. The proposed position control IC consists of a motor control circuit, a RS-232 interface circuit, quadrature decoders and up/down counters, and a serial D/A interface. The experimental verification was carried out with the XYZ table of the Pou Yuen machine tool with Panasonic AC servomotors.