微電化學加工(Electrochemical Micro-Machining,簡稱 EMM),在未來各種細微加工技術的應用中,佔有極大的優勢。此篇文章指主要在介紹微電化學加工設備的架設,包含了加工主機、電極裝置及電解液循環系統..等。本文以0.2~0.5mm的銅針,及改變相關電場,及進給速度、電解液溫度等參數,來實際模擬微電化學加工情形。實驗中,以硝酸鈉水溶液作為電解液,藉由分析各參數對於加工工件的影響。 由實驗結果顯示,輸出電壓、進給速度與電解液的流動方式,佔很重要的因素,直接影響到加工成果。而且電解液的循環系統,亦是重要的課題。必須使用過濾裝置,才能使加工鈑件不產生二次放電影響加工精度。實驗結果亦顯示,由於電極針過於細小,導致加入高電流時,會產生銅離子解離的現象,流轉堆積在電極針前端,導致加工時孔徑的精度遭到破壞。 Electrochemical micro machining (EMM) appears to be very promising as a future micro-machining technique since in many areas of applications it offers several advantages. The paper highlights the design and development of an EMM system set-up, which includes various components such as mechanical machining components, electrical systems and an electrolyte flow system, etc. Copper electrode tubes ranging from 0.2mm to 0.5mm are used as tools. Different parameters, such as the working voltage, the feed speed and the electrolyte flow temperature are used to get the aperture’s sizes of different alloys. Sodium nitrate solution is used as the electrolyte. The result shows that working voltage, the feed speed and the electrolyte flowing direction play an important part in the EMM proceeding. In EMM set-up, the electrolyte flow circulating system is essential and must be considered carefully, otherwise the dirty electrolyte will flow into the machining chamber again and cause second discharging of the work piece and infect the aperture’s sizes. Because the copper electrode tube is too small, a use current passing will destroy the copper electrode tube. The copper ion will pile up at the top of the copper electrode tube. The copper form shape will change that will infect the aperture’s sizes as well.