在科技爆發的時代,技術快速成長成為現今工業界所注重的部分,如何去讓本身的技術提升,而技術移轉成為一個重要的方式,技術移轉主要可分為兩種模式,一種是單純的技術引進,如委託研究、技術授權、購買技術、聘請技術顧問,另一種是和其他單位有合作交流的過程,如合資研發、研發聯盟。 本研究將技術成長利用系統工程方法,建立一個合理的技術成長模型,利用主客觀架構來評估技術能力,且由主客觀架構來得知技術能力的區別,並由此架構來分析我們的主客觀優勢來得知我們的欠缺的技術能力,經過模擬分析探討技術成長中時程、績效、失敗指標,與模型中各參數間的關係,最終利用此模型,來推測一個技術成長需要改進的方法,進而透過不同的策略執行,使技術成長的時程能夠縮短;且觀察各狀態間的關係,利用此模型預測技術成長的最佳可行方案,期望快速技術成長之成效。 In the age of the technology, the processes of technology transference become the most important part of the industry. How to improve the technology by itself? Technology transfer is an answer. The research uses the method of system engineer, and to build a reasonable model about technology grow. Using some tools or methods, for example: Intrinsic-Extrinsic Reasoning Approach, Markov Process, and Learning Curve etc. builds the models of the technology growth. We try to simulate the technology growth, and find the rules to set the parameters of the models. And doing the optimum set let the models can apply forecasting the requirement of the technology growth in a company or a team. Hope it can reduce the time and the failure of the technology growth.