本文主要研究方向為四足步行機器人的步態模擬,論文中四足步行機器人的步態主要探討爬(crawl)步態以及對角線(diagonal)兩種。研究中利用到許多軟體例如:機器人的繪圖軟體Solid Works、運動方程式推導部分,涉及到微分則是利用Maple軟體、數值運算方面是用matlab,以及動態模擬軟體MSC. Visual Nastran,將以上軟體集合運用,使設計的四足步行機器人以動畫展現。動態模擬軟體MSC. Visual Nastran,此模擬軟體可以量測許多的訊號例如:馬達角度,機器人的速度等等,再將輸出的訊號跟matlab程式作比較,藉此可了解模擬與實際上構想是否有出入。四足步行機器人登階梯的步態以對角線(diagonal)步態進行模擬,其抬腳路徑為三角形型式;四足機器人轉彎部分則是利用髖部馬達來驅動角度,同時配合對角線(diagonal)步態來達成。 This paper describes two of crawl gait and diagonal gait walking of quadruped robot. To simulating the control of quadruped walking robot gait pattern, four softwares were used. The basic frame of robot is sketched by using software “Solid-Works”, and softwares “maple” is used in establishing kinematics equations. Two others are matlab software and MSC. Visual Nastran. Operation of mathematics is accounted by “malab”. The MSC. Visual Nastran can measure many different signals for example motor angle, robot’ velocity etc. and at the same time comparing output signals with output result from matlab and difference between simulation and actually design can be found. The robot climb stair step is simulated by diagonal gait pattern and the swing trajectory which is a kind of triangle type. About the turn state, which was accomplished by hip motor rotating angle associated with diagonal gait pattern is another emphasis on this paper.