本研究採用Nafion 117為主體的膜電極組(MEA)進行小型燃料電池之實驗及分析,藉著不同的流道設計與操作條件,探討流道設計對流動阻力與電阻之影響,以及對質子交換膜燃料電池的性能輸出影響。實驗條件包含不同的流道設計,改變電池溫度,改變增濕瓶加濕溫度,氧化劑之種類,與背壓壓力值,不同傳導鍵基底膜的變化等。實驗之結果可以供未來組裝電池堆之參考依據。 由實驗結果可以發現,質子交換膜燃料電池在低溫環境下可以快速啟動並可迅速的達到穩定的輸出電壓。此外,在燃料電池使用石墨板流道設計時,考慮流阻與電阻力損失,較佳流道寬度設計約為1mm,流道寬度設計對燃料電池性能影響16%,固定流動面積下後該影響為8%,並在流道寬度設計1.6mm時,燃料電池有最好的性能。增加操作溫度與背壓皆可有效提升燃料電池性能,但是過高的燃料電池溫度會造成膜電極組內發生乾膜(Dry out)的情況,使得燃料電池的性能下降。提昇增濕瓶加濕溫度則是可以增加膜電極組中的水含量。水含量越高,結合膜的內阻抗越低,在使用水瓶氣法加濕燃料,較高操作溫度下增加流量使加濕效果變差,降低燃料電池性能。 Effects of various flow field designs and operating conditions on the flow and electrical resistances and the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) are investigated. Nafion 117 membranes are used in the work. Operating conditions studied include humidification temperature, cell temperature, types of oxidizers, back pressure. The measurement results show that PEMFC, in low temperature environment, starts up quickly and reaches stable condition very fast. For graphite bipolar plate, the optimal flow channel width is found to be 1mm by considering flow and electrical resistances. For the channel widths studied, the cell performance may very to an extent of 16 percent. If we fix the total flow channel area, then the performance variation is reduced to 8 percent, and the optimal channel width is found to be 1.6mm. Increase the operating temperature and back pressure of improves the performance. However, if the cell temperature goes too high, the membrane may dry out, and the cell performance will decrease. Increasing the humidification temperature increases the water content of the membrane, and hence lowers the cell interior impedance. However, this method becomes less effective at higher operating temperature if the humidification vapor amount is not adequately provided.