本文利用化學蝕刻、CNC及燒結製程,成功地在金屬銅材上製作出不同毛細結構之微熱管均熱片,面積為50 50mm2厚約2mm,均熱片的作動熱傳率約為20-80W。同時以散熱片及銅製水塊冷卻器作冷卻,分析熱點表面溫度和冷卻器熱阻,並量測不同甲醇充填率(10-40%)及冷卻方式,探討蝕刻、溝槽式和燒結式三種毛細構造的微熱管均熱片的效能及熱傳極限。 蝕刻均熱片共有兩種不同溝槽寬度(200 m, 300 m)並搭配不同溝槽數探討毛細力與充填率對效能的影響,但是變更填充率對均熱片性能無顯著差異;當溝槽數為70時有最佳熱阻0.75oC/W,然而減少溝槽數目會使效能明顯降低,此種情況也在CNC均熱片上發生。CNC均熱片共的溝槽寬度與蝕刻均熱片相同,但為驗證溝槽深度是否會對效能及熱傳機制造成影響,故製作由深漸淺的流道(0.7-0.2mm)。在充填率方面當越增越大時,作動功率越大。燒結式均熱片在充填率方面作動趨勢與CNC均熱片相似,燒結式均熱片的最佳熱阻值為0.23oC/W較CNC溝槽式(最佳熱阻為0.36oC/W)均熱片低約30%。 This study developed the micro heat spreaders to spread the hot spot with a two-layer structure. The 5×5 cm2 heat spreaders with thickness 2 mm was fabricated with three methods, i.e., Etching, CNC and sintering on copper. The working fluid is methanol. This study also discuss the ratio of filling, capacity force The CNC and etching type of spreaders have a radial layout of capillary wick with 200 m in depth and 2-3 mm in width. The sintered spreader has its capillary wick made of particle size 200-400 m and 0.7mm in thickness. We placed 22 T-type thermocouples on both sides of the heat spreaders and the center of heater to measure the variations of surface temperature. Experiments were undertaken to evaluate the performance of different capillary wick structure and various filling rate. The testing range of thermal power range is 20-80 W. We compared the performance of three types of micro heat spreaders with the pure copper (conductivity k=400 W/mK). The sintered heat spreader showed the best performance, which has an thermal resistance about 0.23℃/W, compared to other types of spreader, and plate made with pure copper plate.