在本論文之中,提出一個新的預測之方法,可以在秤重系統震盪尚未穩定之前,便能夠預測到其穩態時之數值,並且可以達到提高精度的效能。而秤重系統被視為一個二階的spring-damper-mass系統,設定其輸入訊號為一個固定之unit step。正因為如此的設定,本文提出的預測演算法便可以預測到秤重系統之step response。 在演算法的運算過程中,Lattice Filter用來identify秤重系統之特性與reflection coefficients,而Extended Lattice Predictor便利用這些reflection coefficients而能夠預測秤重訊號的穩態響應值。 在PC上對演算法的模擬與分析,將會被用來證明此預測演算法之效用。而許多的數據與演算法參數之分析結果,也有詳盡的記錄。此外,也設計了一個實際的秤重系統,以ADSP-2181為核心,執行系統的控制與演算法的運算。在本文中對於實際硬體的實驗結果,有完整的討論分析。 最後也證明了此預測演算法,確實具有加速取的穩定值,以及抗環境雜訊提高精度之效能。 An innovatory signal processing approach is proposed to accelerate the damping and increase the resolution of the measurement of weighing systems. The dynamics of a weighing system can always be modeled as a second-order system that is under unit step excitation regardless of the weight. Thus, it is possible to predict the reading by predicting the unit step response of a second-order system. A new extended linear predictor is used to predict the response with the identified model that is based on the data collected before the system is damped. Simulation results demonstrate the capability of the newly developed approach to accelerate the reading and increase the resolution.