流體注液條件應用於旋轉塗佈時,所呈現的結果會不逕相同,因而能在瞭解其不同的旋塗表現下,勢必可以提升、增進旋轉塗佈技術。本論文採用注液條件包含液滴注液、中心直接注液與螺旋線狀注液方式來探討其個別在旋轉塗佈時,液體薄膜所呈現的拓展特性。在液滴注液方面,其在較低的旋轉雷諾數(Re?)位置,明顯的約在邦得數 Bo = 100 左右,呈現了不同的臨界半徑成長特性。在中心直接注液方式方面,當Bo < 100 時,臨界半徑呈現出一個開口向上的拋物線特徵曲線,與 Bo = 200 時所呈現的上升曲線截然不同。而在螺旋線狀注液方式研究中,發現了螺旋線狀注液方式在旋轉雷諾數愈低時,在愈趨沒有科氏力影響條件下,開始具有比其他注液條件獲得最大塗佈半徑的特性。因而不同的注液模式,具有不同的流體旋塗結果,若在不考慮液體揮性質條件下,藉由此類不同的液體薄膜旋塗特性,可以提供更佳的旋轉塗佈效果。 In order to give performance extremely, liquid spreading on spinning need to be figured out through diverse flowing conditions associated with discharge mechanisms. These experimental studies of different discharging modes include released drop, center injection, and spiral injection and provide their characteristics of liquids thin film spreading on spinning. For the case of released drop on spinning, a significant feature of spreading radius was demonstrated at low Re? and was distinguished at Bo = 100. The distributing characterization of center injection presented an open up parabolic curve at Bo < 100 different to increasing curve at Bo = 200 from low Re? to high Re?. Afterward the spiral form instance on rotating identified the scheme of attainable maximum radius differ from released drop and center injection. The distinct maximum radius of them, were recognized clearly at lower Re?. The spiral form could achieve larger maximum radius of liquids film spreading without Coriolis force effect. As mentioned above, the diverse spreading characteristics provide various spreading identification on spinning. With selected discharge methods employed on spin coating, demanded liquids film spreading can be fulfilled further according to these findings ignoring liquids volatility consideration.