微光學透鏡應用在光電產業上越來越廣泛,微光學透鏡發展出許多製造方法,其中大部分昂貴且費時。本計畫將以高深寬比(High aspect ratio)黃光製程技術搭配超高硬度(Extra-hardness)二元鎳鈷(Ni-Co)合金電鑄,製作金屬材質模仁,並配合利用壓印(Hot embossing)製作出高分子微透鏡陣列,以創新電鑄配方製造高硬度模仁提高模具壽命方法不僅省時省錢,亦可大量製作出微透鏡陣列。 因此,本計畫將發展高硬度電鑄技術與壓印製程技術相互搭配製作出高分子微透鏡陣列,鎳鈷模壓印製程,將被壓印材料加熱,如同蓋印章之方式,將印章壓在加熱軟化後之材料上,便可得到其微光學透鏡之轉印。本研究中為了瞭解微透鏡形成的機制特性,所以改變其厚膜光阻(AZ4620)的直徑、熱回流(Reflow)時間與溫度等條件,及電鑄應用,探討條件參數對其微透鏡形成幾何形狀的影響及量測其不同參數條件製作出微透鏡陣列之光學特性。 This project presents a concept to fabricate micro-optical devices using high-aspect-ratio lithography, extra-hardness electroplating, and hot embossing processes. A bath of electroplating electrolyte will be formulated to fabricate micro-optics mold inserts with extra-hardness Ni-Co alloy. It is a novel method to increase the life of the mold insert during fabricating micro-optical devices. With this high hardness, the mold inserts can resist high abrasiveness and wear so as to extend the mold cycle life and reduce the idle time of replacing mold plates during fabrications. Therefore, the process of fabrications of micro-optics can be more cost-effective. In this study, different thicknesses of photoresist AZ4620 will be tried for micro-optical templates with different radiuii. Also, parametric effects of reflow time, and temperature on micro-optical profiles will be characterized and discussed as well. Finally, the optical properties such as focal length of developed micro-optics will be measured and tested.