楊簡(1141-1225)與王宗傳(-1181-)俱為南宋學者,二人所作《易》注,均係當時心學《易》的重要著作,《四庫全書總目》謂「自漢以來,以《老》、《莊》說《易》者,始魏王弼;以心性說《易》者,始王宗傳及簡」,又謂「明萬歷以後,動以心學說《易》,流別於此二人」,足見二人不但是心學《易》之開宗,且影響甚鉅。唯歷來研究者以簡為象山高足,故於簡書特別留意,關於楊簡之心學、經學,乃至著述考錄等,論述者不乏其人;至於王宗傳,則略而不論,論者寥寥無幾,而此一情形,在南宋當時便已存在,《四庫總目》亦以「宗傳,淳熙中進士;簡,乾道中進士,皆孝宗時人也。顧宗傳人微言輕,其書僅存,不為學者所誦習;簡則為象山弟子之冠,如朱門之有黃幹,又歷官中外,政績卓有可觀,在南宋為名臣,尤足以籠罩一世,故至於明季,其說大行。」本計畫擬以楊、王二人之《易》注為研究焦點,深入討論二人如何將心學與《易》結合,其論說之路徑及思想體系有何同異,以進一步為明代心學《易》的了解提供更清晰的輪廓。 Yang Jian and Wang Zongchuan are scholars with the commentaries of Yijing, those of which are important works of Xinxuehyi in Southern Son Dynasty. In Sikuquanshu zongmu, it was said that the scholars who began to explain Yijing by Xinxueh and made significant impact on the Ming Dynasty are Wang and Yang. However, many researchers only paid attention to Yang because of his teacher, Lu Xiangshan. Wang have not been valued since his time. This project is aimed at discussion on their Yijing commentaries. Draw a clear outline of Xinxuehyi for research Ming Dynasty by comparing with their similarities and differences of paths of discourses.研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907