有鑒於傳統氣相層析儀只能使用單一毛細管柱而受限於靜相作用力過於單純,往往無法分離大氣中成份複雜、極性或沸點差異大的揮發性有機汙染物,因此同時使用兩支性質不同的毛細管柱的二維氣相層析技術以提供較多元的作用力能夠能大幅改善分離效能受限之窘境。在本研究中將使用兩支不同類型之管柱搭配氣流控制技術得以解決汙染物質因揮發度差異過大、化學結構過於近似、或是極性範圍廣之層析問題。二維氣相層析技術若能與質譜儀結合則更能發揮同時定性與定量之優勢,使大氣 VOC 分析能力以得全面提升,然而二維氣相層析技術通常必須使用兩個偵測器以配合雙管柱,當與質譜儀連接時若同時使用雙質譜則並不實際,若只使用單一質譜時則連接技術困難度大增;再者,質譜儀之負壓環境會造成二維層析使用氣壓栓塞作為管柱切換時之干擾而使得連接質譜更形困難,因此本研究之目的即為開發一系列的二維氣相層析技術,突破單一質譜儀連接技術之瓶頸。In light of the deficiency posed by the single capillary column in GC analysis of a wide range of ambient volatile compounds (VOCs), 2-dimensional GC has the advantage of providing 2 different stationary phases to compliment each other and thus to maximize separation power. In this research two columns of different characteristics are to be employed in conjunction with a pressure switch device to provide the necessary resolution power for VOCs of large volatility and structural difference. It is compelling to combine 2-D GC with mass spectrometry for superior quantification and identification capabilities than the conventional GC detectors. Nevertheless, 2-D GC is usually coupled to dual identical detectors because two columns are eluting at the same time. Moreover, the negative pressure for MS often creates a serious disturbance for the pressure switching device to cut flows between the two columns. As a result, it poses a great obstacle to be overcome in the design a 2-D GC/MS system with only one single mass spectrometer. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop a series of 2-D GC techniques and ultimately an automated 2-D GC/MS system for monitoring a full range of atmospheric VOCs. 研究期間:9808 ~ 9907